HaM Ch 47

Ch 47

“Shellproof, I don’t trust that American.” Thirty-Four had gotten Adler to sleep and was talking to Shellproof about Adam. “I’ve never met an American before but he is not American. He seems off to me.”

“I think you’re just paranoid, Thirty-Four. The radio messages aren’t the best quality, they might all sound like him.”

“It wasn’t just his voice, Shell, he was just awkward. His speech was awkward.”

“He is a little man talking to big tanks.” Thirty-Four didn’t seem to get the point. “I know how terrified you were when it happened, he probably felt as terrified.”

“Oh he looked just fine around you, though, I was never that comfortable.”

“Because I wasn’t staring him down like a wolf! You scared him so much he couldn’t act right. Believe me once he warmed up to me he was a lot better with his speech.”

“I still don’t believe you, Shell.” They continued through the night, neither needing to sleep. Sometime just before dawn Thirty-Four changed the subject. “Shellproof, what do you think the Americans will do with the German prisoners?” Shellproof thought about it.

“I don’t know but I think they’ll be kind to them.” There was a pause between them. “Why do you ask?”

“That ball Adler had, two German soldiers gave it to him before we were found. I scared them off; I feared for Adler and was angry at the Germans anyhow. I found them yesterday; they were badly injured and were prisoners. I went after Adler and watched him play with them, after I sent Adler away I approached them-they were terrified of me-and I gave them the ball back, and I thanked them for it. I left right after that.”

“You seem to have changed your position, you know that?”

“I did, I don’t have that hate, that desire to murder every single one of them, that’s all gone now. I have changed.”

“When did this happen? You didn’t turn soft did you?”

“No, I still wanted to kill the invaders-but, we won. That desire is gone, too. We killed them, we took their land, and now we are in their capital doing whatever we want.” She looked to Adler, fast asleep. “I think he’s rubbing off on me.”

“How so?”

“He never saw why we were invading their land. He didn’t have a problem with the Germans like we did, he thought them as people while I thought them as rats. I think them as people now.”

“Adam told me that his general has a bunch of ‘breathers’ as they call us. He said they have German tanks, too, and that they have families, and kids. They’re about Adler’s age, maybe tomorrow you could take Adler to meet and play with them.” Thirty-Four thought about it.

“I think I will.”

The following morning she got Adler his breakfast and took him to the river while he ate it. She waited there with Adler, washing some filth off of him while he sat in the water mesmerized by it. He mostly picked up the muck at the bottom and brought it to the surface to examine it. Thirty-Four cleaned out grass, twigs, stones, and dirt from between his treads and wheels and cleaned his face and body. After he was finished she decided to clean herself, too. Carefully she measured how deep her treads sank in the river while cleaning herself the same way she cleaned Adler. She tenderly rubbed her shot wound until it shone like polished silver and cleaned out her parts-genitals included-after three years of grime. She had cleaned her body and hoped for a way to clean her and Adler’s engine when she caught two tanks from the corner of her eye. She instantly knew they were kids, one was a Panzer and the other was a Sherman, like the American made tanks that the Russians used, but both were only two-thirds the size. Just like Adler. The Panzer waved, Adler waved back excited. She said he should go over to them and introduce himself, she didn’t expect him to lurch forward through the river. Her instincts kicked in and her terrified body lurched after him, holding him tightly as he wadded across. Thankfully the river wasn’t deep here and Adler made it across, and she was able to back out of the river harmlessly. She sat across the channel watching her son talk to the two child tanks. It looked like the two tanks instantly accepted Adler into their group. She smiled, her son had made friends. She watched them talk and play, they were showing off their engine power by pushing each other, and felt a desire to have had her own childhood.

She watched Adler and the Sherman play, then the Sherman led Adler and the Panzer off away from the riverbank, what she saw next made her jump and her skin crawl. The Sherman went right up to a huge German Tiger 2 tank. Thirty-Four’s heart raced as she threw caution to the wind and hurtled across the river. She powered her way up the bank and raced to Adler but he and the other tanks were already introduced to the Tiger 2 and were now playing a game in the dirt. She listened in to the conversation that the Tiger was having with the circle of Americans. Hansel and Marion were huddled together in a circle of other tanks and tankers, talking about stories and feats they’d had. A rough voiced man in his early forties asked Hansel what he did with the Americans, being a former German army soldier.

“Well, Marion and I at first were just heavy lifters, but eventually they pulled us up front because I speak English and German and because Marion’s, well, a tiger. We’d have a big horn on here and either myself or the loader, Meats, would try to convince the town ahead of us to surrender. We’d try that but it really never worked. And one day we got ourselves a new platoon leader, this guy was a kid. Poor kid still had pimples on his face, smooth face because he probably couldn’t grow face hair. Anyway so Marion’s in the middle, we’re lined up abreast with Shermans here and there, a bunch of infantry squatting behind us, and all the commanders, even me, are hunkered in our hatches except the P-L. We tried getting him down but he didn’t listen. So he’s standing up in his hatch while I’m talking through the speaker and then there’s a flash in a window just before the kid starts screaming following a rifle’s crack. He’d been shot in the left cheek and his whole left jaw had been shattered and broken. He screamed his head off and kicked and squirmed and threw himself all around. We all pumped some shots into the building with the sniper in it while the infantry pulled that kid behind the tank. I’ll never forget what the sergeant said because it’s exactly what my first ever sergeant said in Russia. He said ‘that was short lived,’ and off we went under his command. That town had nothing but riflemen and a machine gun, just a squad or two.” Thirty-Four listened attentively.

“Why are you here, tiger?” She asked in Russian. Marion shifted to look at Thirty-Four, confused and pleasantly surprised. Marion didn’t know Russian so she tried English, Thirty-Four didn’t understand a word. Adler tried to speak for his mother in German but he didn’t have enough vocabulary to translate beyond an introduction. While the two women quite easily recognized the other as females that was all they could discern. Marion called for Kramia because nobody around could translate between English, German, and Russian. Once she had scooted up with Mini’s assistance she first talked to Thirty-Four.

“How are you here?” Thirty-Four asked Kramia in surprise.

“I was absorbed into the Wehrmacht and then into the American army. How was the Red Army?”

“We triumphed! When were you lost? What happened to you?”

“What do you mean?”

“What do you mean!? You have a tiger gun! You’re pregnant! What did those rats do to you?!” Kramia was confused.


“The Nazi cowards! Rats! They took you and maimed you! Raped you!” Kramia was now upset.

“What? No! I deserted! How could you work with such heathens?!”

“YOU DESERTED!?!” At this point everyone knew something was up, Marion carefully picked up a round and put it in the loading tray. Hansel ducked into the cupola, the Americans did the same. Marion started pulling Geoff and Cindy around her stern. “I should shoot you!”

“What else would I have done? I just watched my crew rape and kill a Russian girl! I’ve never seen a German rape and kill a German girl! They abused and used me, treated me like shit, so I left! Russia had given me nothing but pain and hate, cruelty and confusion! Of course I left!” At this point Mini inserted himself between his wife and Thirty-Four.

“Who is this? Your rapist? Saving his sex slave!?”

“No,” Mini said, he looked to the child T-34 and figured that maybe it wasn’t legitimate, “I’m sorry, but we’re not all bad.” He looked to both girls, “neither side.” That devotion that Mini showed to Kramia, standing in front of her to keep a fight from breaking out, that little bit of devotion hurt Thirty-Four’s feelings. She felt a wave of depression overcome her while a deep rage grew and festered. She wondered if she wasn’t good enough for the Tiger to stay, what could’ve been if he stayed with her, flocked to her army or took her to his, she wondered if he didn’t rape her but seek a companionship with her. These questions of what life would be if Adler had a loving father shook her. Adler came up to her side and was grabbing her wheels and treads. She looked down to him, his little waist belts connecting his wheels together and his beading eyes made her smile.

“Don’t fight, mama, please don’t fight.” She put a hand on his cupola and rubbed it, a grin coming over her face.

“I won’t, Adler, baby, I won’t fight. Why don’t you ask them for a ball and show your friends how to play catch in the field over there?” He asked Mini and Mini got him a ball from an American. Adler took the kids away and they played catch.

“Are we calm now?” Mini asked, still lodged between them, they nodded. “Good, why don’t we get to know each other before we rip our gears out?” They agreed and traded stories, everybody else had relaxed a little but were still tense. Thirty-Four and Kramia had relaxed and forgiven each other, seeing the other’s reasons. After that Thirty-Four asked why all the German tanks were here, not just about Marion.

“So is she SS?” Thirty asked, Kramia answered no without translating to Marion. “So why does she have that on her gun?” She pointed to the black Tiger 2 tank silhouette painted as a break in the black kill stripe on her barrel, inside the black tiger was the emblem for the SS, two white lightning bolts.

“Marion, she wants to know why that’s there.” Kramia said to Marion, mentioning the special kill stripe.

“I have that for killing an SS tiger.” Kramia told Thirty, she asked if it was a living Tiger I with excitement. “No, it was a dead metal Tiger II.” When Kramia replied to Thirty, she slumped.

“With a bastard like that we probably got him, we probably got him good.” Kramia tried to lift up Thirty-Four’s spirit. Mini nodded in agreement.

“What if Adler asks about him?”

“What do you mean?”

“He asks where does he come from and I try my best to avoid it, but he’s smart, what do I say when he keeps asking? Who do I say his father is when I teach him about children? How do I tell my son that he’s a bastard?” She started to break down crying, Kramia brought her into a hug for comfort. “Kramia,”

“I don’t know what to say.”

“You’re in for a world of hell when you give birth.” That sparked her interest.

“Where will it come out?”

“The same place it went in.” Kramia’s belly and stern turned cold and ached.

Fin Ch 47

Hansel and Marion Chapter 22 Clearing the bar

The insert for chapter 22. I have a few more side stories on my mind but one of them is actually important in relation to the main story line so once a milestone I have set up is reached I’ll put that up. As for the more instant ones, some, no, mostly all of them are in about the modern era. Enjoy.

Chapter 22

Hansel woke up early, stood up and remembered where he fell asleep as the blankets fell off and his ass following. The blankets cushioned and muffled his fall, not waking up Marion, sound asleep with her turret still turned and relaxing on her hull belly and her gun completely depressed down. Hansel smiles coldly, thinking of the best miss they had last night then gets on his feet shivering and putting his morning wood away to die down.

“Holy shit its cold! It’s early this year for sure.” He talks to himself as he decides to keep his night clothes on under his uniform getting dressed. As he’s ducking under Marion’s gun mantle she embraces him and holds him to her warm hull.

“I’m sorry I lost it last night,” she began, kissing him on his forehead. “I don’t know what came over me, I’m lost there.”

“it’s fine,” he responds kissing her back. “It’s probably just natural when your cervix’s opened. No big deal we’ll just have to be careful.”

She brings him into another kiss on the lips, a long one before releasing him. “Your hair’s growing longer, I like it longer; wow it’s cold today, even in here. I wonder how cold it is outside. Do you think they heard me out there?” She asks teasingly.

“Oh I know they heard you. I know that for certain. And I know you like my hair.” Hansel said blatantly kissing her again before she stood back up on her suspension’s usual height. “Well we’re moving out finally. I’m going to see what all the others are doing before we leave; I want to talk to my family before we leave, still.”

“Alright but don’t get into trouble and be back before noon. I’ll probably be here getting my shit together.” They gave their farewells and Hansel trekked to mess hall for a bearing on his crew. As he walks through the doors he hears Inbred call to him.

“MY God Hansel! Could you make her scream any LOUDER!?” He yells sarcastically, Hansel smirks and walks over to his crew, where Whacker and Banker weren’t arguing for once, mostly because Whacker was out cold in his mashed potatoes. “Please don’t Hansel, I couldn’t sleep at all, Whacker slept perfectly fine I’m not sure as to why he’s out cold now.” Hansel looks over to Whacker, he was drooling into his mashed potato pillow. Then Inbred makes a shuddering noise, “how-how do you do it? It’s… uhuhuhgg… boiling hot motor oil burning and-and-and hot steel it-it-it’s… aahh howww? Yeah sure Marion’s attractive-but-but, eeugh!” Inbred was showing a little confusion and distaste.

“It’s not hot motor oil or steel.”

“Cold motor oil? Cold steel? I-I-I-?”

“No, Inbred, no, it’s none of that!”

“Then wha-what is it?! Hot steamy exhaust pipe?”

“No it’s no-well… mmehh kinda we can-”

“Doesn’t-does-da-doesn’t that burn? I-I still don’t get it!” Inbred was beginning to stutter that’s how confused he was.

“Alright Inbred shut up! Let me finish!” Hansel snapped, Inbred stopped fidgeting and sat slumped with his hands in his lap. Hansel sighed and rubbed his forehead with his thumb and pointer finger; he couldn’t believe he had to explain Marion’s most sacred parts. “Gah, it’s not motor oil, it’s a coolant mixed with a silver color, like Mercury but it IS WARM… not hot like burning but it gets… hot, when she’s… (oh God damnit) hot… Get it? Good; and it’s not steel it’s…” Hansel fumbled, he’s never had to compare it, he doesn’t know what it is. He could infer on taste but then Inbred would know what else he’s done to the tank he calls home. “Ah shit, it isn’t steel I guarantee that. It’s… soft, but metallic, it tastes metall-fuck!” Inbred went wide eyed, shocked at that point. “Fuck it! She’s all metal, she tasted metal but she’s soft like flesh and she can get pretty hot in there, alright!” Hansel looked at Inbred with his face saying ‘ya happy now Inbred!?’

“You didn’t need to be a bitch about it. If you blew her, you blew her, great; good for you two but Jesus don’t act like it’s a bad thing. Bunch of pussies.” Whacker commented slowly and out of it.

“How could you have heard that and be alright with it!” Inbred asked shocked Whacker was awake.

“Well she knows I’ve jerked inside her so, and she’s obviously got something Hansel can use to make her scream, so, and the only way I’ve made my girl scream like that was going down deep on her. Not that big of a deal. Love’s love, Inbred, get over yourself.” He said opening his eyes and rising, wiping the mashed potato bits from his face and beard.

“You were awake the whole time?” Hansel asked blandly.

“Yes I was awake, mashed potatoes are better used as pillows here. Where’d Banker and Meats go?” Just as he asked Meats walks over with a tray full of assorted meats, greens, and bread.

“Banker went to the shitter when Hansel sat down.”

“Meats why aren’t you cooking?” Hansel joked.

“Ah they’re just jealous of me, that’s why.” He sneered back. Banker walked back over and sat down.

“So now that we’re all here, what are we doing on our last day at Munich?” Banker was optimistic, and was looking around eagerly at his crew mates.

“Let’s go to a pub.” Whacker blurts instinctively. The crew looked like that was a bad idea except Hansel.

“Actually that’s not a bad idea.” They all looked at him in surprise; Hansel never let them into pubs. “I know of one, it’s a good place. I’ll get some chow there and not here, this stuff’s shit.” He got up and told them to meet him at the gate in thirty, they didn’t need to sign out with command, Marion’s crew was all on leave. Hansel goes back to Marion to tell her they’ll be at the bar.

“That’s fine; although I’m curious… could you bring back a keg?” Hansel furrowed his face.


“What do you think I can’t take it? I’ll be fine I just want to try it. Besides… it could make me… “She winked at him. He just huffed a single ‘hah’ and promised he’d bring her something. Hansel walks outside and spots his old Tiger and his crew packing up nearby with Faust and Anton with their crew. He decides to walk over and invite the crews to the pub.

“Hello Hansel,” The Tiger said, noticing him approach. “I don’t recall telling you my name they gave me.”

“No I don’t think you did.” Hansel responds nodding the group as a greeting.

“I named him Griffin.” His radio operator Emilie Volkstung said proudly and smiled at Griffin, who smiled back.

“I like Griffin,” Anton said as he chucked a rucksack onto Faust’s engine roof before climbing up to tie it to the armored skirt Faust has on her turret. “But like Faust better!” He grinned widely at Faust; she nodded her gun and pats him on the head before trying to tidy up his scruffy look.

“I know you do, Antie, that’s why you picked it.” She smiled at him and looked into his green eyes while he looked into her warm hazel eyes.

“So todays the last day in Munich and we planned on going in to a pub or bar, care to join?”

The women instantly declined for good reason, other drunken soldiers would take advantage of them, then one by one Faust’s crew respectfully declined except for Anton, who asked Faust if he could go. She thought for a moment before something struck her and she agreed to it.

“Hooray! Going to a pub! Finally a pub!” He’s never been inside one before and he’s spurting out all the things he’ll do such as drink, game, pub activities.

“Alright then come on. I’ll make sure he comes back intact and he doesn’t drink too much, Faust.” Hansel called to her, she lifted he metal brow-like eye protectors.

“Oh no let him drink all he wants…” Her tone was suspicious then she smiled wide and said under her breath, “all he wants.”

Hansel walked with Anton back towards some other crews, contemplating her message. He walked around and learned that sadly no others will be joining them, Irish wants to befriend E as much as possible before some combat can prove fatal, Edwards and his crew adopted their old ways of Jäger and Fritz’s crews being one large group, and all the other Tiger crews were busy on their own accords. So when the time came to head in the bunch of six looked at each other awkwardly, expecting more to accompany them, before driving off in a Kubelwagon to the city. Munich had cleaned up fast but the scars still bled, ruble was shoveled into collapsed basements, distraught people wandered the streets, and children sat distressed and too sad to play games, then on other undamaged streets life looked as if there was no war, stores, games, happy faces and playful children tugging at the group for something from the front like a helmet or a canteen. Anton was playing tag with some grade schoolers when Hansel pointed out the bar his father had taken him too. It was rudimentary and plain, but inside were much festivities, games, joking, women and food.

“Hey Antie, we’re here! Come on inside brother.” Whacker yelled to a taunting Anton who climbed up onto a store stand roof to avoid being tagged by a nine year old girl.

“You go inside, I haven’t played tag in a long time!-Ha!-Almost got me!” He continued to taunt her until she played the gender card and got him to climb down. As he continued the five others waltzed on into the bar and without even hesitating Whacker plops down next to a revealing fräulein at the bar; his two favorite things, while the other four mingle and drink. Things are going well, Whacker’s on his sixth beer in under ninety minutes, Inbred and Meats are enjoying the company and stories of some old Great War veterans, while Banker and Hansel are at the bar chilling out and bonding, Hansel couldn’t remember the group this actively engaging and merry, while Banker was talking about finances work and Hansel listening closely so he could work some money magic at the end of the war to free Marion of military control Banker took a swig of the cheapest beer and made it clear why it was the cheapest when he gagged and spit it out instantly.

“Wow that’s shit!” He exclaims after Inbred comes over laughing at him. He takes a sip and looks at him strangely.

“Another problem with you, Banks, this is pretty good.” Hansel motions for the bottle and takes a bit of it and is pleasant of it until the after taste hits and he spits out trying to free the wretched taste from his mouth.

“No no! Banks is right! Shit, that’s this beer, shit!” Hansel figured he’d get this for Marion; he didn’t want her to become an addict like Whacaholic and figured he’d save on money. After ordering the keg a group of rowdy Wehrmacht soldiers paraded in and asserted themselves around Hansel’s crew. Hansel thought nothing of it until he spotted the unit patch on the sergeant’s coat next to him… it brought back memories of that old panzergrenadiers that rode with his panzer unit…

“Greetings, Captain, what brings you here?” He spoke with a more northern dialect and sounded exhausted. “We’re in from the front and are looking for a good time, which this dumb bastard will miss out on!” He grabbed one of his squad mates by the shoulders right next to him and shook him.

“I’ve told you I’m against drinking. I don’t know why you even care bringing me.” He said very self-consciously, almost setting a disinterested tone.

“Ah well, fuck him! How’ve you been Captain?” The two talked for a good bit, every now and then Hansel caught Inbred looking intensely and suspiciously at the panzergrenadiers. Hansel talked about moving their tank column up northward tomorrow morning, their numbers and speed, all of it to a brother in arms. But the sergeant reeled when Hansel talked about the panzergrenadier unit that saved him and his tank many times in Russia. Hansel thought nothing of the unit in the west; he was in the west now, why not them?

“So hows about some beer?” The sergeant asked then asked his companions for their tastes. “Are you sure you want nothing? Seriously? Alright then, four beers bartender!” Hansel looked at his hand, he held up four fingers with his thumb tucked…

“YOU ENGLISH BASTARDS!” Inbred yelled as he lunged for the nearest intruder, who was pulling a pistol from his belt. Hansel goes wide eyed as a fist from the sergeant flies toward his face. He wipes the strike aside as Whacker reached behind the bar and grabs a bottle before swinging madly at the sergeant. A blow of the heavy bottle sends him sprawling onto the non-drinker behind him. Two others tried to gang up on Meats, Banker had been hit from behind with a club, Meats grabbed them by their throats and lifted them off the ground with his massive strength before body slamming them on the ground. The two forces clash as citizens scream and run out as guns fly out, no bullets hitting their marks. Hansel takes on the sergeant while Whacker takes on his sober friend, Inbred was pig-wrestling his foe and rolling him to hit anything heavy while at the same time being hit himself, Banker went out cold leaving Meats to take the force of two angry men who thought they could deal real damage to him. Anton runs inside and slams against the sergeant, he elbows Anton in the nose, blooding it, before Anton bear hugs him tight and head bangs him hard in the back. Hansel unleashes the fury that someone hurt Anton and punches the sergeant in key areas like the side of the head, gut, neck, and kicking out his knees. The group holds out long enough for officials to arrive and through questioning, discover Hansel’s group as German soldiers and the other as spies, the sober man had recording gear under his tunic, but thankfully, no transmission equipment.

The group recollected themselves and for the most part literally licked their wounds. Hansel had taken some time to take what he rightfully bought; a keg of shit beer, and Anton picked up a full bottle he’d found lying on the floor, he’d have his first back with Faust. The ride was tiresome, and Hansel knew he’d be in no mood if Marion was in heat still from last night, but he tended to Anton’s wounds who tried to fend him off, trying to prove to Hansel he could fend for himself. When they pulled back to the base they were met with hearty appreciations from the others, and while they waddled about trying to regain their footings, Anton stumbled worse than Whacaholic, prompting Irish to ask if he drank more than Whacker.

“No he didn’t drink at all, he’s just… worn down.” Hansel says as he pulls the keg from the back seat. Marion heard about the fight and was trying to get to them as soon as possible, but when she saw them all battered up in a mess she took a sigh of relief and grabbed Hansel and drug him to her lips and kissed him. He was so tired he let himself rag doll over her hull and told her with his enthusiasm in his kiss that he was not in a sexual mood. She pulled him away smiling and looked at him and the others all rag-tag and worn.

“Alright, from now on, no more pubs for any of you.” She lifted her eye shade brows and looked at them all squarely in the eyes until they nodded in agreement. After that she asked if Hansel brought her anything and was presented the keg, she tried some in the corner of her mouth holding the keg to her faceplate and drinking away. While she argued with Inbred’s side against Hansel and Banker on how it’s good Anton slips away still staggering like a drunk, searching for Faust. He was thinking about her as always, he was very much attached to her as a friend and comrade. She’s so pretty, so very pretty, no she’s beautiful. I wish I was as nice looking as her. I wish I could make her feel as good as I do around her, she always makes me feel good, she always makes me smile and picks me up just by being there… I wonder if I do the same for her… I want to make her feel as special like that, but, how? How could I? As he turns into her tank house he spots her angling her hull corner shot like with her looking at him with a very wide smile bearing her amazing razor teeth and looking at him through seductive eyes. Then she speaks to him in a low tone.

“Hello, Anton!”

Fin chapter 22


A6M5 mod. 52 Ayaka Zero

This is my first story of 2015: A HaM side story response to Cerebral error’s Petra post war plane taking place very shortly after Japan surrenders. The ending is something I’m trying and I’d personally like feedback if yall like it or if you don’t. Well enough lollygagging let’s read and enjoy ourselves!

A6M5 Ayaka Zero

Jack cursed under his breath as the long truck hauling a Zero with the wings removed and strapped on either side of the airframe on the trailer of the truck rolls up on his driveway. Jack had specifically asked for the plane to remain intact and not dismantled at all other than the removal of the weapons. He had purchased the plane with money he put into the bank before the war and due to financial tricks and trades had earned enough to buy a formidable Zero he’s drooled over every time he’d dogfight one.

“Ahhh you bastards!”

“Hey calm yourself, Jack. We wouldn’t fit across the bridges with stiff wings so we cut ’em. At least you can fix ‘er.” Jack looked pissed, two months of wait time and he still won’t be able to fly again for at least a week.

“A two month wait lets me build my runway and clear out a hanger, I’ve got fuel and gear for it ready now and you show up with the fucking wings TIED TO THE SIDES!” Jack hit the hefty trucker he’s known all his life with his leather jacket then stood admiring his new plane.

“First- ow! Second- you want me to park the trailer in the hanger?”

“Yes, the hanger’s ’round back. Put the trailer in the hanger with the nose outward, set it down with the jack feet on the ground so I can lower the body down onto its gears, I’ll call you when you can come get it.”

“Got it, Jack.” With that he brought it around and backed into the pristine hanger from the days of biplanes, undid the trailer as per instruction and left with a farewell. As soon as the dust trail was out of sight the hanger doors slammed shut, startling Jack, and he was soon being yelled at.

“You are going to start fixing me now, American! Then we will fly!” She sounded like Kato’s Japanese mother, only excellent English, Jack winced at this and looked at the Zero wide eyed that it wasn’t just talking, enough to freak him, but was screaming at him, enough to break him. And piss himself.

“Holy shit you talk.” He snapped in great disbelief. “And you are not happy.” This caused two eyes to materialize on the corner glass panes with much anger filling them as two metallic arms and hands lashed out to him, grabbing him by his collars and dragging him from the door to about a foot from her nose before screaming again.

“NO I’M NOT HAPPY! I get my wings ripped off and drug across who the hell knows where! Do you know what it’s like to be torn limb from limb!? DO YOU!? Perhaps I’ll enlighten you!” Jack trembles and puts his hands out and shakes his head no very desperately.

“I’LL FIX YOU I’LL FIX YOU PLEASE DON’T!” he almost seemed to cry, he ironically feared amputation greatly and this was something he’d desperately try to prevent. She appeared pleased, taking many relieving breaths as she gently lowers Jack to the ground allowing his legs to ‘take over’ and fall to the floor then crawl until he can get up. Flipping shit the whole time. The Zero crossed her arms under her cockpit, below a set of parted streamline lips aft of the engine nautical and waited about an hour for him to compose himself and grasp the alien thought of a plane threatening to rip him in parts.

“So Zero, how long have you been like this?” She looks to him still pissed.

“My name is Ayaka. In parts? Since you asses started transporting me.” She looked back to Jack and he didn’t look answered. “Alive? Off the line.” Jack looked at her, staring at the metal plates separated at the seams and then her gorgeous body, never able to admire their absolutely gorgeous body! Then he asks another:

“Did it hurt? Can you feel… stuff?” She looked at him like he was a dipshit.

“Stuff? That’s the best you can do? Stuff? A fighter ace by that tally list behind you and the best you can say is ‘can you feel stuff’? Mighty Japan defeated by dumbasses! Glorious!” He sank back; he was being harassed by his new plane. He liked it somehow… “Yes I felt that, I can’t feel my wings anymore but I could at a time. Touch is what you were looking for; I can feel that all around my body.” God knows why but this excited Jack sexually, which he was embarrassed of and hid it to his best ability. Ayaka noticed anyway, experienced and trained eyes provided her the eyesight, but didn’t acknowledge it. Jack got his mind back on track; the sexual wonders aren’t for when she just threatened him with disembodiment.

“Well I’d guess to start is how did they remove them?”

“They unbolted and cut at the pre-made seams. It shouldn’t be that hard.” They began by building block rests for the wings to lie on before the two retired for the night. He’s nice, not abusive and so far pretty gentle and the place is cozy and warm, better than I thought. I could get used to civilian life. Jack too was thinking of the other. Wow they’re so elegant! She’s a little scary and demanding, ah that’ll pass over she is just being defensive, I wonder if she’s scared? Day after day the two tinkered, hour after hour the two came closer to completion, minute by minute they came closer as companions talking about their times in the just passed World War Two, Ayaka a A6M5 model 52 with many kills under her and her pilot’s belts, the darker times in the end of the war, and how her pilot left her to become the divine wind, and how they joked with her for being more American in personality. While Jack talked about being raised in the depression, flipping shit when Pearl was bombed, and how he’d always wanted to be a pilot, how scared he was when the Wildcats he flew dropped like flies when dogfighting Zero’s, and how they’d tediously learned how to fight the superior Zero’s. Ayaka grew accustomed to him, and enjoyed his company greatly; soon she noticed that he was less and less sporadic in his excitement around her until the point of about a day away from completion he grew no bulge at all, whether she liked it or not this saddened her. On the final day she asked the question she’d been avoiding in fear of his response:

“Jack… why did you buy me?” Jack winced.

“Normally I’d say buy but with you please don’t say I bought you, it feels wrong like its slavery.-”

“But it’s not I fly and that’s really all I can do.”

“-Well for me I’d say buying a living, intelligent thing-man made or not-is like slavery.-”

“But what about pets? If I was a pet?”

“-You are no pet, Ayaka, you are no slave, Ayaka, and if you don’t want to stay then that’s your choice and not mine, Ayaka.” He had emphasis on his points; Ayaka grabbed his shoulders and asked again.

“Fine then, Jack, why did you take me in?”

“Well… … … to be honest I’ve wanted one since my first encounter in ’42.” Ayaka was interested and was looking like she was also, “Us poor cats didn’t stand a chance, all you Zekes raped the shit out of our assholes. I wanted one badly, to be on even grounds with you Japs at least. You’re all so elegant, fast, agile and smooth, beautiful.” Ayaka ‘blushed’ turning her body-mounted gun bulges from pure white to a light silver.

“Why did you still want one when we became inferior?” She asked still blushing and flattered.

“Beauty kept it in my mind.” He answered a little unsure as to exactly why, but this was enough to make Ayaka squirm when his back was turned. They moved even faster, the goal within reach, the wing fuel lines reconnected, the airframe merged, the edges sanded and smoothed, and not far into the process Ayaka exclaimed she could feel them again and hugged Jack against her belly, who learned to let it happen, and watched with a smile as she wiggles her newly joined wings. She was so happy that her mind was screaming celebration sex but she suppressed this, and unknowing to her Jack was also lusting for sex, but all he knew of her sex was she was made female. Soon they were finished, and Ayaka’s slit was ferociously demanding to finally be fucked by a man, and Jack had calmed himself and never noticed the silver Mercury fluid dripping and running down from the bottom of her mid-tail. Jack lowered the trailer letting Ayaka onto the cement floor on her own landing gear where she joyously rocked on. He called for his friend to pick up the trailer while he was flying, Ayaka bounced when she overheard him, then eagerly reached for the nearby fuel hoses and began filling herself with the substance, all the while her slit was screaming for her to plug that opening with Jack’s nozzle and fill it up with his creamy dreamy substance, but she painfully waited as they were expecting company, that’s when she was asked a question that almost made her fuck him right there.

“So why are you a girl plane?” She hesitated; she had a habit of blabbering out what’s on her mind when she’s emotional like this…

“Well I have a pussy.” She meant vagina, she inched back to protect him from initial rape, but he nodded his head and raised his eyebrows and seemed like it was understandable. They proceeded on, she was topped off yet thirsty, and she feverishly wiped and cleaned her wetness off her tail as so no suspicion would arise, even though she wanted him to rub and touch and toy with the source all day long and way into the night. She passed thankfully and agreed with her hormones to fuck him somewhere in a clearing later or when they land back here all the while flirting and tempting him. She was going to get laid for the first time, finally today!

“All that’s done, need any help with starting up?” Jack asked Ayaka, she shook her engine nautical no and allowed him to climb in wearing his old flight gear and oxygen mask kit. He asked her to show him how to turn her on. You already did, Jack. She turns over with a sputter then a pleasing hum sending heat and vibrations into the cockpit.

“Ready to fly, Ayaka?”

“It’s about damn time!” With that she hits the throttle, violently thrusting forth down the runway, while Jack watches and studies how she executes a takeoff so he can do this at a later time. She picks up her tail, raises her flaps and leaves the Earth joyously and pridefully, taking in all the fresh air and the rush of wind over her smooth body, the sense of bird-like freedom. “It’s even better than I remember, Jack!”

“I can only agree with you there.” Jack felt untethered, loose, free, when he’d fly, and Ayaka made him feel warm and fuzzy inside. He smiled realizing the cheesiness of the description, and was motioned to take the joystick and fly her himself. He grips the plastic handle, resting his thumb on the top button and his pointer and middle fingers on the trigger out of habit, and grabbed her throttle control with his left hand and admired the inside of his beloved plane. “So Ayaka, what should we do first?”

FUCK ME! FUCK ME! FUCK ME! Was all she could think, then she spit out the only thing that wasn’t sex: “Any maneuver you can think of.” In remarkable timing, precision, and elegance the two executed Immelmanns, split-s, wingovers, pitch turns, yo-yos, barrel rolls, spirals, scissors, and anything they come up with for hours. Then the two admire the Midwest landscape and the falling sun. Ayaka hatches an idea to show off how slow she can go and pulls low in front and off the side of an upcoming train traveling with it.

“Ayaka why is the train passing us…” Jack spurts a little worried, “how fast are we going?”

“Well in your speeds we’re going at around… mmmm… seventy-six miles an hour.” Jack was astonished; no wonder they outmaneuvered the wildcats so easily. “My stalling speed is about sixty-nine.” Damnit! Why did I say that! Well… I could… She pumps her engine a bit more, vibrating the cockpit and making Jack’s cock pit thicker in blood flow. She talks and flirts until she’s got him without him even noticing what she did. “Jack it’s getting dark and the fuel’s almost gone, I’m going home.” Jack was awed by her referring to the hanger as home, he felt that she wanted to stay here, and she did. He watches closely as she runs through the landing procedure and they smile as they pull up to an empty hanger, the trailer’s gone. She turns herself around and backs in thinking of all the naughty things she’ll do to Jack. Jack learns how to power down and climbs out of Ayaka’s cockpit unaware her eyes are glinting at her soon to be ‘joystick’ and hops down and walks to the man door locking it for the night. “Alright Ayaka, I see why you raped us in the skies, and I’m pretty mind fucked right now so I’m heading to bed.” He’s walking to the main hanger door when out of nowhere Ayaka slams it shut and puts an iron rod down the padlock mounts.

“Why not sleep with me?” She says in a more demanding sexual tone then a passive sexual tone. Jack turns around and meets her gaze and the two simply click together and rush in to meet in a long enticing kiss. Ayaka’s engine is turning over but isn’t running the prop and her slit is producing so much precum that her protective plates are filling like pools with a too slow leak trying to empty them while Jack is growing hard faster than ever before and his heart racing, he was ready and was removing the bulky stuff off his suit. Both of them were in a complete high with the day’s dealings taking a mental toll while there hormones were powering their bodies into overdrive. Ayaka couldn’t wait anymore and tore at his fly and yanked his stick out and hauled his crotch to her awaiting mouth. Jack said nothing but moaned comfortably when her soft, tender, juicy wet lips caressed his dick and her mouth tugged at his shaft with her tongue gone from exploring his mouth to his cock. She thoroughly licked him, giving him a silver sheen when she did pull him out after she persuaded him to let her taste his entirety, and enjoying his little eruption of his delicious cream spurting all around her vast vibrating mouth. She then pulled a crate under her mid-tail and laid him on it, below the source of her silver leak.

“Open wide, sugar.” Jack does as he’s told and eagerly awaits what she has in store for him. Two panels about twenty inches long stretching up to the sides of her tail open like bomb bay doors and a payload of her liquids falls on a shocked Jack; after wiping the fluid out of his eyes he meets a gray belly under the panels with a very beautiful vagina in the middle running about sixteen inches long with a very bright and tasteful looking clit at the top end and very thick and elegant curvy lips running to the bottom dripping loads of her pre onto his body at various points. He adjusts his body and leans up to plant his face firmly in between her pussy lips. He is greatly pleased and aroused by how wonderful she felt around his face and how she tasted and wondered if her hot vagina would cook him like a turkey if they spooned. Ayaka was mesmerized and taken away by the sensations down south. Her eyes crossed at weird angles and she drooled from both lip pairs greatly, this made Jack chuckle thinking he had himself a very wet girl, and her engine raced with the prop ever so gently turning.

“Ahhhhhhhaaaaa Jaaaaackkk! Oh! You have noooo idea how loooong I’ve waited for thisssss!” She dragged on the moments Jack slurped at her clit; waiting for the pressure to tell him she’s cuming. She lasted a very long time, it took Jack a good five minutes to bring her teetering on the edge of washing Jack’s face with her cum, so Jack begged her to let go, dump it all over him, and she did so without a second thought, drenching Jack, making his member ache for her tender love and caressing. He reoriented himself, and with some help of Ayaka’s arms was pressed against the belly with his pelvis hanging below her furnace of a pussy, and in one swoop he thrusts into her welcoming walls and fills the hanger with loving cries in English and Japanese, mixes of moaning and panting along with Ayaka’s engine roaring and the prop spinning more consistently. This was the first thrust and it penetrated the cervix. Ayaka couldn’t resist locking Jack deep inside her and shut her panels on his pants, he was still dressed, and some manipulators trying to feel him from the other side of his clothes gave up on that and opened up his button shirt and pinned it open against her sides letting any remaining manipulators feel his moist and sweating abs, pecks, biceps, and much more while Jack himself was feeling up her long tail wherever he could reach. Soon he noticed waves of pinching on his cock inside her cervix, moving in wave patterns that massaged and nullified his dick making Jack melt brain dead and one hundred percent relaxed in her clutches of his all. Ayaka wanted him to at least once fill her, she knew she was shallow yet long and wouldn’t take too much to coat it all in his wonderful sperm, and that’s what she’ll make him do. She too goes brain dead letting her hormones control all aspects of her: nothing changed except motions around his cock until his cock was shaking more than her engine and then soon enough it erupted like a volcano, penetrating deep inside with his sperm. And all she wanted was more! After a few repetitions and orgasms from the two Jack realizes what she’s doing and begs her to stop before she becomes pregnant.

“No Jack! I’ve waited too long for this and you aren’t going to stop my fantasy!”

“Which is?”

“Filling me up with your hot seamen!” She continued to putty his dick until he said his head felt like it would explode, he was only half way filling her, she inserted a needle into his veins and relieved the deadly pressure that would pop the blood vessel and starve his brain of oxygen; now, there’s no stopping her dream. Jack pulls and pushes against her panels to let him live his desire, which she does, and he begins drilling her. She screams in appraisal and begs him for more; he pushes hard into her forcing part of his groin and crotch inside her tightening walls. He was venturing deep enough to feel his sticky goo inside her plush hot halls didn’t feel normal but enticed him to spread more of it inside her. They fucked like this for hours, finishing off with multitudes of Jack getting hand jobs with his dick head just inside her lips to completely fill every inch of her with sperm. Once that was done Jack’s cock ached very badly and looked swollen and like a few vessels were popped until another blow job from Ayaka cleaned away the oil that he thought was blood. He looked at her opening, strains of his seamen were leaking from it but it still looked appetizing to him and as the two rests, he asks to enter once more, but to be locked like the first times, where the two may sleep the day away, she merrily agreed. As he entered again, he noticed how sticky it was, and Ayaka noticed something tingling deep inside her and how sore she was then she felt the now sticky walls separating and parting for her lover. She pinned him in, listening to his question she thought she’d never hear:

“Ayaka… I know this sounds strange and the papers are going to be very tricky, but- w-w-would you marry me? I know it was a little fast but-”

“Yes Jack I’ll marry you!” Jack was stunned; he smiled greatly and buried his face into her belly giving it a gentle kiss. “No need to do any papers, just get yourself a ring and me some gold paint and we’ll be fine.” The two chuckled, joked a little more, then fell asleep in the light of the rising sun.

Fin A6M5 Ayaka

Well Cerebral, how’d I do? This is my first written plane story and not many more will probably follow. I mean I love planes they’re sexy and you can get into good positions with ’em but I’d rather stick to tanks and ships. Seriously this replaced an IS-3-way story I was writing when I lost all progress so expect that one very soon!