HaM Ch36

Ch 36
Prinz Eugen watched a sea turtle swim by her bridge. She watched it swim around her fore structure gracefully. A large tiger shark drew near, stalking the sea turtle around her. She seated at the shark with one of her manipulators. Shoo! Shoo! Leave the turtle alone! She had to strike the shark to deter it, the shark snapped at her hand but got a punch to the gills for it. It swam off as fast as it came. She listened in to the radio, it was early March, in the year twenty-twelve, the man on the radio was going ballistic about how the world is ending and yada, yada, Eugen turned the channel. This one was playing some smooth jazz, the music she was familiar with, it brought back memories. Good and bad. She thought about Bismarck and Rudolph, and Irish, and E, and losing the war, being turned over to the Americans, sexually confronted by some American ships that really liked her look, their sad faces when they eventually learned she wasn’t into them, promises of retirement, the bombings, rolling over and the pain that ensued, and then she opened her eyes again. This is retirement, blissful retirement. She groomed the reefs that had grown on her hull, she always thought of it as gardening. Her retirement was being laid down along an atoll and turning into an oasis for the ocean life, she gladly accepted it; she loved the ocean and would love to be more a part of it, but they took one of her propellers in honor and remembrance of her and her fellow ships and sailors. Later in the day a dive team came down, she felt people walking on her belly above the ocean waves. They were strange, however, they felt very heavy until they placed a box down on her belly, and the divers she saw made their way to her bridge before one of them swam up to the surface. She felt like she was being pecked at with needles and felt a surge zap through her body, the diver that went up returned and nodded at the other diver. They affixed their lights to her faceplate and shone the lights at themselves. One affixed a clasp to her body and turned a switch on his belt on, a green light flashes for a few seconds before it held still.
“Hallo? Guten Nachmittag.” Prinz Eugen was amazed, shocked, she hasn’t had anyone talk to her in decades. She scrambled her mind, this was very unexpected. She answered the man.
“Hello! Hello! Oh it has been decades since someone’s talked to me.”
“Hello, I am Tobias Hagan, grandson of Rupert Hagan-”
“I remember that name.”
“Yes, he served on the Bismarck, he knew Rudolph. Anyway we are here to ask you a question.”
“Go on.” Tobias looked to the other diver and they talked, he nodded and the other diver went away.
“We are offering to raise you from the seabed and restore you to your maritime standards.” She came out of hiding, her eyes were wide and her mouth agape, she never thought anyone would do this. “If you want, it is all up to you.” She thought. “Please.., all the others said no. You’re the last resort.” She looked him in the eyes; his brown eyes agreed that what he said was truth.
“I’ll think on it. How long will you be here?”
“We’re setting up a camp on the atoll.” She never broke eye contact with him; she saw something that flooded her with memories. Memories filled with Irish and her. She saw that twinkle in his eyes, his want for her to sail again, the openness of his heart. She saw his desire for her, not anything near sexual but that he wanted to see her sail again, see her take to the seas like his grandfather did. That night after they headed ashore she thought about it long and hard. She had asked questions like what would happen to the reefs on her, they would be destroyed, the safety she gave the fish, it would disappear, and she didn’t like the answers but he did promise that they could sink a ship in her place. “That,” she decided to tell Tobias the next morning, “is the only way I’ll agree.” After some phone calls the deal was made.
Because he was the only one who knew how to use the equipment, Tobias was the only one to talk to Prinz Eugen. He kept her occupied by talking about his family history, starting with how his grandfather escaped Bismarck’s sinking, his grandfather moving to America, his family being raised and learning German through his grandfather, his own four years in the U.S. Navy, how he came across this project and how the other four ships turned down the offer. Eugen wasn’t sure if it was the lack of interaction that made her attracted to Tobias or if she genuinely felt attracted to him but either way she didn’t want him to leave and it pained her when he did. A few days later she saw the hulls of at least three ships. Those three ships were a dredge, a specialized salvage ship that was towing a huge barge, and a boat bus to haul her to port. They began by excavating various parts of her and collecting loose debris and putting them on the barge. Next they reinforced her hull with specialized metal before the final step of excavating the water took place. Because she rolled over and per-say snapped her neck her bridge was on the barge watching them pick up her hull and roll it upright before it was towed to deeper water and placed on the boat bus. With everything set she demanded to watch her replacement be sunk, it was an old Russian oil tanker from her own era. She watched as eight charges blew out the sides and the ship dropped about eight meters into the water along the atoll. Satisfied, Eugen was taken across the land to the Atlantic Ocean. She talked to Tobias, who she begged to keep her company on the voyage. He talked to her about some stuff on television that’s not on the radios and when that was exhausted he thought he’d bring up some future plans.
“We’re not really a global interest yet, but we’ll be one soon.”
“Why? Raising ships is a pretty phenomenal feat isn’t it? And what soon will make you one?”
“Well Eugen you are a pilot, if you can’t be raised and rebuilt-mind you that you’re already raised and there’s nothing new about rebuilding ships-then the countries that are interested will pull out funding. Since word that the pilot has been raised got out, the countries like Britain, France, Belgium, Norway, Japan, America, Germany, Spain, Russia, and a few other satellite countries have shown greater interest and have asked for a few ships to be tested for the grounds to be raised. The next ship that we’re looking at that was proposed is German.”
“What ship?” Not too many ships came to mind that Germany would have rightful interest in.
“A close friend to you and someone close to my grandfather.” Eugen couldn’t believe who came to mind.
“Bismarck!?” He nodded. “Why? Germany tried to bury the Nazis and all of their doings long ago! Why raise one of the symbols of their power?!” She combed the deepest parts of her mind for that reason, she saw a kind friend and a lovely woman, but she knew the world would see hate, tyranny, violence and oppression. Bismarck would be considered Auschwitz II, Eugen favored Bismarck too much to let that happen to her. She wasn’t going to let them make her friend feel like a death camp affiliated with hate and tyranny. She would try her damn hardest not to let them do that. “No! It would ruin her!”
“Hold on-”
“No! Don’t raise her to be another reason why we shouldn’t let tyranny rule! Don’t use her as an example of hate and oppression! She’s not like that at all!”
“Eugen! Stop!” She shut up; he was looking at her in the eyes. “They already know she’s alive, or at least that she once was, they don’t want to make her another Auschwitz.”
“Then what are they using her for?!” Eugen demanded. Tobias was silent, he slowly spoke again.
“They want to either make her a German maritime museum or somehow incorporate her into the navy again.”
“Why the navy again? We’ve had our time in the sun and now it’s the carrier and missile systems. And what will happen to me?”
“You’re an easy one to answer; you’ll be a nuclear museum, because of your dealings with the bombs in the pacific you’ll be affiliated with them. German and American companies are co-owners of you when we’re done.” When he said co-owners Eugen shivered, she didn’t like that term.
“Could we not refer to them as that?”
“What would you call them?”
“General Managers, X-Os, I’d like to think I still have freedom to do what I will and decide not to do anything.”
“That’s alright. But Bismarck.., I guess they’d fix her like the Americans did the Iowas. Improve her fire control-”
“-and upgrade her A-A battery, put on some missiles and missile defenses, maybe put some torpedoes on like they did to Tirpitz-hey, did you know.., Tirpitz?” He asked awkwardly, as so he doesn’t stir any emotions within her more; Tirpitz was afloat for years before she rolled over, and even after that she was intact until she was scrapped.
“No, Tobias, she wasn’t alive. Bismarck was supposed to be the flagship and thus have the best capability. How sad.”
“Yeah-how sad.” Eugen was quiet before she spoke again.
“I actually don’t know if she was alive. I never really saw her nor talked to her. Meeting Bismarck and figuring she was alive was an accident.” Tobias stirred and grabbed his gut.
“I really hope she was dead-metal.” Eugen knew why, being slowly ripped apart after drowning your only friends wouldn’t be a good way to go out. They were quiet for the rest of the day. Eugen prayed for Tirpitz, if she was once alive she prayed that she was in good company now and feeling good and resting peacefully. Eugen nearly cried thinking about it all. She was in awe of the canals, how so much had changed yet so little was really different. They rounded the Florida coast and sailed north to the Pennsylvania docks. There was already a slot ready for her and right next to it was a massive slot for Bismarck.
“Why is Bismarck going to be taken all the way over here to be restored?”
“Well, this is our place. So that’s why.” He leaned close to her and whispered something. “And besides, don’t you wanna see your friend soon?” He smirked and patted her armor.
“Why so close? Tobias?” He was caught off guard.
“What do you mean?”
“You got real close to me. Why did you touch me like that? Something deeper than most think? Huh?” He snickered about it and left. Ha! I think he likes me. She couldn’t help but smile.
He was going out to help retrieve Bismarck and he was talking to Eugen, she either wanted to go with him and nerve keep Bismarck happy or he wasn’t going, she really didn’t want to leave her only friend. Other people would talk to her in bad German or English, asking the lucky ship about her stories and she was happy to tell. Some of the vets and sea salts told their own stories and while she had friends Tobias was the only real friend that she liked. She was forced into a compromise, she would talk to him with her radio and when Bismarck came up she would join in.
“Maybe I’ll meet Rudolph.”
“You haven’t met him? I thought you would have at least talked once.”
“Oh no I talk to him, too. I meant I would see him and shake his hand so to say. He’s a nice guy. I hope he’s still alright.”
“My grandfather feels responsible to this day about it, he says it’s like the scar that is always there, tormenting your conscious and making you believe that you’ll burn in hell and that you rightfully earned it. I think he just needs closure, he never really knew what happened to him.”
“Is your grandfather still alive?”
“Yes he was walking without a cane last week but, his health turned for the worst recently, I don’t want him to die yet. I want to find him some closure first.” He leaned against her freshly cleaned wall and sighed. Some tears formed in his eyes. “I really don’t want him to die.” Eugen knew he was starting to sob, her external arms were pinned under her bridge but her internal arms could comfort him. She opened the door to the bridge and led him inside.
“Tobey, what if I told you that Rudolph and Bismarck are still alive?” He stopped sobbing and listened, one of her cleaner and more functioning arms picked up his chin. “Ever since she sank all those decades ago we have been talking, talking with our radios. I haven’t heard from them in a month but they’re still there. If he can hold out for maybe a few days I could help him talk to Rudolph.” Tobias perked up; he rubbed his eyes and got up.
“He’ll pull through, he’s gotten through worse. I’ll tell him we should have Bismarck here by the end of next month.”
“There you go!” He started to walk out of the bridge, he paused at the door.
“Did you call me Tobey?” Eugen thought.
“Did I?”
“You did.” She apologized. “No, no, it’s fine.” He left for the day, the next day his little fleet of ships sailed off to get Bismarck. Eugen watched in distress as they left. Later her radio sparked to life.
“Hello? Eugen you still there!?” It was Bismarck. Eugen rejuvenated at the sound of her friend.
“Bismarck! You’ll never guess what’s going to happen to you!”
“What? I’m going to guess another movie is being made. Rudolph what do you think is going to happen to us?” – “Uhhhh.., a memorial or something like they did to the Titanic? I don’t know, honey.”
“You are being raised from the bottom!” There was a long pause on their end.
“Eugen, are.., are you alright?” Bismarck thought that Eugen had gone mad. After Eugen had assured Bismarck and Rudolph that she had not gone mad they talked in denial again. “Yeah, they also said that they’d raise the Titanic with ping-pong balls but that hasn’t happened.”
“No-no-no-no-no! Trust me; I’m sitting in a dock in Pennsylvania because they raised me! They have a plan to get you guys, too!” Eugen paused. “Well, my hull is. My bridge is sitting along the slipway.” Bismarck laughed a little bit.
“Well if you really are sitting there, why are they doing that and what did they do?” Eugen told them everything she knew they did. By the time she finished her explanation Bismarck and Rudolph were excited so much.
“We’ll finally sail again!”
“We could actually hold each other!”
“I’ve longed so much to see the sun again!”
“Oh it’s been so long I almost forgot what it looked like!”
“We could finally have kids!”
“We could see our friends again!” Rudolph stopped, he only had a few people he considered friends. They were Bismarck, Prinz Eugen, and Hansel Walter. He thought about how long it’s been, how the war still ravaged for so long, the dangers Germany went through after the war, he sat down on Bismarck’s bridge deck and leaned against her. He spoke solemnly. “We could see Eugen again, that is.”
“Don’t feel down, my little reindeer, I’m sure he’s still out there.” She massaged his shoulders-they both knew deep down that she was wrong.

December, 1944
Hansel jumped awake. He was breathing heavily and looking around, he was confused. Marion felt him stir and wrapped arms around him. She picked up his blanket and tucked him in his sleeping mat again. He was lying on her engine deck for the night, right above her warm engine vents. She laid her arms on his body and asked what he dreamt about.
“I-I don’t know. I saw a sunken ship that was raised up, and there was the ocean, and then that ship talked to another one, also sunk. Then I saw a bigger ship, a German one, and the sky was white and bright and the ocean was flat and blue, and I saw an old friend. They thought I was dead.” Marion lulled him back to sleep; they had much to do the next day. While Hansel drifted to sleep he thought, whenever dreams were that real to him they always came true, always. From his car to the war to being a tanker, even meeting Marion, they all came true. He didn’t want this one to happen, he wanted to prove this one wrong, he wanted to prove Rudolph and.., Bismarck, prove them wrong and be there. Through and through he was going to get through it all, he’ll get through it with Marion. That was his promise to his friend.
Fin Ch 36

HaM side story: The Mighty Bismarck

A side story of HaM. It took me longer than it should have, nonetheless enjoy. 😉

Friday 23rd May 1941, 22:50, a young man stands shivering in the cold Atlantic breeze at his post next to his 3m night rangefinder mounted on the port-side wing of the Admiral’s bridge. He was a fresh sailor, on the Fatherlands’ newest warship, the Bismarck. He stood there alone and in the dark because earlier their battle group had been spotted by a British destroyer a few hours past and the ships was on ‘black-out’ where no light will escape the ship to be spotted by any peering eyes, leaving this poor soul outside alone in the blistering cold wind.

“Damn it’s lonely out here, and this cold might just drive me insane! Some position I got alright.” He walks over to the rangefinder’s operator seat and sits down to adjust his pant legs and jacket collar.

“Then it’s a good thing you have me to talk to.” The voice seemed to be coming from the front left of him, right over the railing. He was confused, it’s a two-and-a-half meter drop down, and besides, the voice was a girl’s voice, and all the other men on the bridge at this hour had deep raspy sailor voices. This seemed fresh and soothing.

“Hello there? Anyone to reassure I haven’t gone mad?” He calls as he stands up and walks to the bow facing railing. He leans over to check the deck down below him, then looks left then right where he gets a glimpse of the moonlight reflecting off something white and pointed like shark teeth. They were below the windows and at the center-line of the bridge and the darker line above ran from one window  port of middle to starboard of middle, about two meters long he figured. On the windows two port and two starboard of the center bridge window were dark eye-like pupils looking into his. “That’s new.”

“No you’re not mad, it is pretty nippy up here isn’t it?” The teeth were flashing as the voice spoke, they were part of a functioning mouth, the man figured. He had experienced a machine ‘speaking’ to him but there was no mouth, nothing but a voice in his head whenever it was near him, this was new however, but not frightening. He went over to his seat and sat down trying to hunker from the wind.

“I’m not the first you’ve told am I?” He asked, trying to figure out why she came out on such a night.

“Well you seem to need a friend, you don’t talk to many other people regularly or willfully, and I kind of need another as well, Prinz Eugen isn’t going to be enough for me. This is also a really dark night so I can show my face to you without anyone else seeing it, I’ll still talk to you but my face will be concealed so I stay hidden.” She said this so gracefully to him, she didn’t even know him, and he only knew her name, designation, and route from his post to his quarters to the mess hall and bathrooms. He felt flattered that this ship opened to him first, his luck may be changing. “I’m sure you know my name, what’s your name? I’ve heard people call you ‘Red-nose’ and ‘Reindeer’ and I’d like to know why if you care to share.”

“That’s what the others call me,” He said darkly, with agony, pain, anger, and sarcasm, “The reason why is because my name’s Rudolph Jürgenstien. Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer!”

“You don’t seem to like that at all, I won’t call you but what you want me to call you as, you can call me Biz.” She said with her voice so beautiful, angel like and magical to Rudolph. He felt warmer when she spoke to him; she made him smile just by talking to him personally. “I don’t see why they’d harp on you like that, you seem nice and friendly. Personally I’m jealous of your name.”

“You can call me Rudolph or Jürgenstien, why would you be so jealous? Your name is powerful, you’re named after-”

“A man! I’m named after a he when I’m a she, you see now? At least your name is of your gender.” She cut him off, he nodded and leaned back, thinking of all the other discriminating names he’s been called by people. The only one he could count on to have his back was Hansel, but he refused to join the Kriegsmarine and went into the Panzerkampfwagon division. He too only had one friend; wait if she hasn’t talked to anybody then how is she talking to the Prinz Eugen?

“Hey, Biz, if you haven’t talked to anyone how do you talk to Prinz Eugen?” Bismarck explains that the two of them use their radios to talk discretely, then the two talks about how no one’s noticed before. She explains that her eyes are one-way, where her pupils are clear on one side, and visible on the other while she can also make her pupils go clear to hide them, then that her mouth has a cover for that. “Basically I have all that a human girl would have! Except hair, I don’t have hair.” Rudolph brought up legs, she said they weren’t physically legs but her propellers were fugitively legs. Then she emerged a tentacle-like arm with a hand like object at the end, “My manipulators” she explained with a shiver in her voice. The manipulators, she tells, are as sensitive, if not more, than the same sensitivity of a human hand. She locks up as Rudolph heads inside for a thicker heavy-duty coat for the snowstorm they’re approaching. She talks to Eugen about him.

He’s not bad, seems nice and friendly, kind of cute, too. She sends to Eugen, Eugen replies:

Go after him Biz! Don’t make the same mistake I did! You probably won’t find a man of us out here; if you do it’ll probably be British or American. All other guys are typically stuck up civilian snobs looking only for a good one-night deal.

I’ll think about it, Eugen.

Don’t, just go for it, you won’t be sorry.

Rudolph gets back and Eugen sends one more before shutting off her radio for the night. DO IT. Biz gets to see him clearly as he steps out, moving her left eye over to her left side, switching from where it was to the center window on the port side of the bridge, she had plentiful opportunities before but she never cared to pay attention, this time she was with lustful eyes. He was on the shorter end of life, maybe a little over one-and-a-half meters tall, his coats hid his thickness but he seemed pretty fit with his movements, he had jet-black hair and a smooth, but bold, nose that was red and runny because of the cold temperatures, he had rounded cheeks and a soft brow transition with a soft-point chin with cold and trembling lips. She cursed the need for clothes to protect him from the cold; she also cursed the cold for making his appearance altered by constant shivering and trembling. She talked to him some more, about his shift, his experience so far, his past, basic stuff to lead into something a bit more… emotional. They talked for hours, forming a bond quite strong, not to the point Bismarck wants to be but close before Rudolph had to retire his shift for the night. Damn! So close! Bismarck thought as he left, she knew he’s going straight to sleep, no more time to talk.

Holy shit. Rudolph thought to himself on his way to his quarters, I don’t have any friends on this ship but one, and that one IS THE SHIP! Wow, that’s really ironic, I think she liked me; her eyes would dart up and down my body like, like Anna did to Hansel! He silently celebrated; someone’s finally got the hots for him. He entered the room filled with twenty other men sleeping in their hammocks quietly, he changed clothes, climbed into his hammock, and his final thoughts as he drifted to sleep was Biz saying “Basically I have all that a human girl would have!” and wondered what exactly that included…

Saturday 24th May 1941, 05:47, all crewmen called to battle stations and all doors sealed, two British warships spotted on the horizon. Rudolph hurries to get into his fatigue as fast as adrenaline mixed with an hour of sleep permit him, then he races to his position on the night rangefinder next to Bismarck’s ‘head’. As he runs through the door the door slams shut and locks behind him, Biz shut it. Rudolph doesn’t care as he needed to do that anyways; he mounts the rangefinder and says good morning to Biz. All of a sudden a whistling sound shrieks into his ears followed by a plume of water. A salvo just barely missed Biz. Rudolph is in awe by the monstrous eruption of white water foam and spray. He regains and starts cranking the rangefinder toward the two ships on the distant horizon, as he looks into the eyepiece marking and relaying the numbers he notices the ship on the horizon is the British pride, H.M.S. Hood.

“Here we see the Hood, trying desperately to attack a much greater foe, although it is supported by a King George class, there is no hope for the little Hood.” Biz comments as her four turrets named Anton, Bruno, Cäsar, and Dora wielding two 38cm naval guns each align onto the Hood using the numbers from Rudolph to get the area down. She sends a salvo on Eugen’s cue, negative on hits. This repeats until Eugen scores a hit on Hood with the 4th salvo round, then two rounds later switches to the King George V class as Hood traverses port to bring the rear turrets into operational use, on Bismarck’s 5th salvo, the once mighty Hood erupts in a massive explosion, lighting up the dark morning sky so beautifully. Biz smiles when she sees that Rudolph is in awe, watching the fireball like a child at a fireworks show.

“You’re so amazing, Biz.” He says, and then cranks the rangefinder to the King George V class; he peers in and notices that the forward turret with four guns is unresponsive, in that it’s still aiming to the bow instead of port, where Biz and Eugen sit with concentrated fire upon it. Then the bridge erupts in an explosion, and the King George turns tail south and flees with a smoking superstructure. Rudolph kept a mental count on the hits; Biz scored a hit on Hood and four on the other, while Eugen scored one on Hood and three on the other. “Biz. You. Are. Amazing.” He says, taking pauses for dramatic effects, and to take deep breaths to slow his heart-rate down. She takes the comment and persuades him to stay with her, she was hit three times. Rudolph apologizes for not noticing; she doesn’t mind but tells him where she was hit.

“I was hit in section XX port passing through XXI starboard no explosion, however the forward pump room is flooded so we can’t pump fuel to level the flooding, I was hit amidships in section XIV and caused minor flooding of the port dynamo and I think there’s some water in port boiler room two, they’re probably going to shut down the affected generators and possibly the affected boilers too. The third hit the Admiral’s gig; no real damage was done but the pressure tank for the Arado’s catapult lost all its air, something damaged the system somewhere.” She reported, although Rudolph did take this to concern her voice made him feel like nothing could ever hurt them, that she was unsinkable and he and the crew would be fine. The battle group changed course 180° southward. The doors were unlocked and opened; the danger had passed, but due to the damages Bismarck was slowed to only 24 knots. She knew she could go 30 knots, quite a feat for any ship her size much less a heavy warship. Rudolph stays with her on her bridge wing having a confusing three-way conversation between Biz, Eugen, and Rudolph, after a while this grows confusing and tiresome for Rudolph, who has only had an hour of sleep, and he takes a nap in the rangefinder’s seat. After about two hours, Bismarck is turned around 180°, leaving Prinz Eugen to go about on her way.

Well looks as though we’re parting, Eugen.

Yes it seems, Rudolph didn’t seem bad at all, I’m actually jealous. We’ll still be able to communicate with each other just as we are now. Godspeed, Bismarck.

Good luck to you Prinz Eugen, and good hunting.

Good luck for you with Rudolph. Remember the tricks I taught you.

Thank you again, and Godspeed to you as well.

She ended the radio message and turned her invisible eyes to Rudolph, sound asleep in the chair. She ran a manipulator up his back and over his shoulder up to his forehead and started to gently rub it with her ‘thumb.’ Soon you’ll be all mine, Rudolph. She thought of the old Christmas tune. Rudolph my little reindeer, with your eyes so right, won’t you guide my shots tonight? She giggled at her little joke, his fire control system guiding her shots on target. Then she thought of another little rhyme: Rudolph my love I’ll protect you, would it be you love me too? She closed her eyes and thought of their love, she started wanting him, intensely. Rudolph my little reindeer, let’s make love where all will hear! She squirmed her manipulator into his pants but stopped. She knew she couldn’t do it here, she couldn’t bear the shame for it, and either Rudolph wouldn’t want to do anything sexual with her or he’d never forgive her for the shame she caused him. It’ll need to be at night. She sulked and removed the manipulator inches from Rudolph’s package she desired so badly, to Rudolph’s dismay.

DAMNIT! She was this close! He screamed in his head, he was initially awakened by her rubbing his forehead, he was a very light sleeper, and knew the whole time she was eyeing him, even if he couldn’t see her eyes. Well I may still have a chance with her, or… he didn’t want to admit thinking it, …or she doesn’t want me, she just wants to torment me. He settled on the latter due to past attempts at getting a girlfriend and being terribly turned down by all just obliterating his sociality and confidence. He started to cry without a sound, burying his face deeper into his coat to hide his tears. He loved her, he knew it, he loved her. He had hidden lust for her ever since he saw her at the dock. She was the biggest thing he’d ever seen, she was so powerful and demanded respect and fear, her hull was very curvy and streamline, that alone turned him on, but at the same time her superstructure was so bold, defiant, and awe-inspiring the combination meant an instant hard-on from the first sight. And she just said no…

“BATTLESTATIONS! I REPEAT; BATTLESTATIONS!” The Admiral sounded the alarm.

“What’s happening!?” Rudolph snaps up frantically, asking anyone who would have heard.

“Two contacts starboard-bow! Hey Rudolph, are those tears? Were you crying?” Biz answers then asks in a deeply concerned voice.

“Uhhhh- bad dream.” He says unsurely. Biz thinks to herself if she did something that hurt him. They two contacts are the ship from earlier and a light cruiser, many shots were exchanged, but none hit either side. Biz asks why he was crying. She continued pressing him for it over and over and over for three hours until he agreed to tell. He sat down on his little seat, took a deep breath, and heard his stomach rumble like a beast.

“Actually I’m going to go eat first…” Biz sighed in disapproval, but allowed him to go to the mess hall. He got lost, a year on this ship, and I still get lost! He thought to himself, she guided him to his usual mess deck. He got his food and sat by himself, as always, and as usual four other crewman confronted him, they taunted him, pushed him, took some of his food, and pretty much ruined the rest of his dinner before leaving without him even lifting a finger to try and stop them. He returned to his post and Biz slammed the door behind him, pushed him and sat him down in his seat, and confronted him sternly of what he allowed to happen.

“How the hell can you let them walk over you like that!?!” She verbally strikes at him. “Seriously? You let them do that? They insult your handsome name then they harass your sex life and take and ruin your food and you just sit there and take it?!” She sighs painfully, seemingly disappointed in him.

“Because I’m a fucking loser!” He shouts back then slumps into his seat sobbing again. Biz is surprised and regrets what she said instantly. She was only trying to help him…

“Oh, shi-, um, look I’m really sorry Rud-”

“You don’t have to be! They’re right anyway! I’m just a loser who doesn’t have a chance getting a girl.” He stops Biz right in her train of thought. “That’s why I was crying, okay? You woke me up when you rubbed my head, I thought you liked me when you went in but then you left me completely, I know you don’t like me but that’s just fucking cruel Bismarck, that’s fucking cruel…” He drops his head into his lap, sobbing vigorously letting fifteen years of bottled up emotions out in front of the one who cares about him the most in his life. She was silenced, unknowing of how to respond. She decided to come clean.

“Rudolph… I… I… I love you; you did find a girl…” Rudolph quieted down and picked his head up to clarify. “Yes I didn’t do that to hurt you but out of my own lust for you… I thought you were asleep still and I stopped myself because of the shame that would follow… I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to upset you; I was only looking out for you.” Rudolph stopped crying while she was continuing on, but started crying again.

“Why are you crying now?” She asked ashamed of herself.

“Because you’re the second person to ever care about me-” He spread his arms up for a hug, but realized he couldn’t hug her bridge wall, and looked around before turning around and trying to fully embrace the three meter wide optical equipment. Biz returned the embrace and held him tight, he ceased to shed any more tears before he said “And the first to love me back.”

They stood holding each other, Rudolph holding his instrument and indirectly his ship, and Bismarck holding her little love. They let go and Rudolph sat in his seat, he ponders on how fast time flies when you’re with the ones you love. He checks his watch, 11:27 PM, Biz notices how dark it is, the moon’s not very bright…

“Hey Rudolph…” She asks in a sexual tone.

“Yes Biz?” He asks her, in a very interested manner.

“It is quite dark, no one would see us… doing…” She smiles with the same grin as last night.

“Ah! I know what you mean…” He walks to the railing she wraps him in her arms and hauls him over. He’s a little uneasy, even though it’s only a 2 meter nonlethal fall it’d still hurt, but she doesn’t let him slip away as she carries him first to her mouth. He knows what she’s implying first and leans up to a long kiss. The kiss is awkward, Biz sealing the majority of her mouth to accommodate his means his tongue will be the one venturing out, so it does and it relays messages of soft, hot lips and a steamy mouth to welcome him. Her tongue and his touched together, she noticed it was softer than his groin area when she tried wriggling her way into his pants earlier, and a lot warmer and comfortable, she was excited by this and her mouth started to ‘water’ into his as they pulled at each other’s lips. He felt a nice tingling as the fluids touched and entered his mouth, like a shiver going down a spine only sustained in the mouth area. She felt his breaths against her upper lip become stronger and hotter, he was horny… She let a hidden platform down from under the bridge overhang and set his legs on it so they could still kiss, then she started tugging and pulling at his crotch area of his trousers. He smiled and undid the belt. Then Biz’s eyes snap up and she curses. She gently puts a confused Rudolph down at his post and closes the platform.

“What’s wrong honey? Did I do something?” He asks her concerning.

“Radar’s got eight small fast movers, they’re planes! Starboard!” that was the other side, he felt helpless as he wasn’t allowed to leave his post now, the alarm sounds and he feels her massive turbines pumping as fast as they could. He sat down and took in the feeling of the vibrations, she counted the torpedoes launched, all eight planes dropped them but she grabbed Rudolph for comfort as only seven were going to miss! She whimpered as it hit her, he saw the explosion of water and knew it was amidships; she held him and slowed her engines down for the crew to give a full damage report and assess the situation. Once it reached the admiral, Biz’s hopes sank into Rudolph’s attempt at a reassuring hugging of the instrument he operates.

“I knew it, port boiler room two completely flooded, and the collision mats were loosened in the bow, I’m listing even more. They are trying to make repairs but for now, its 16 knots max.” She sulked into Rudolph, he talked to her for hours, comforting her, promising her, and eventually cheered her up, along with news that minimal repairs finished and they can go 20 knots again. She in turn lulls him to sleep, and holds him tight against the cold wind.

Sunday 25th May 1941, 12:00, Rudolph is woken up by Biz, surprisingly no one commented or cared that he slept out on the bridge wing, or that he slept till noon when that was really only about nine hours of sleep for him. He gets up and stretches, then gives a good morning to Biz and heads in to deal with his morning wood, take a shower, change clothes, and eat in that order. He gets to his footlocker and grabs his clothes and grooming kit, gets lost again on the way to the bathrooms, and sits on the shitter and starts beating his morning wood. Then one of Biz’s manipulator hands slaps his hand and he hears her say “No! You save that for me later!”

“How did you-?” He asks her.

“I can pretty much sense you and what you’re doing, if you’re asking about me speaking to you, I can talk through my hand speakers.” She turns the hand over and shows him a little black speaker in the palm of her hand. Being the morning and Rudolph brain dead as a brick, he stares at it like it’s the most interesting thing in the world and not the talking ship it’s attached too. She eventually slaps him into the world again and orders him to finish cleaning up. He heads to the shower room and is greeted with an empty shower for once, be merrily turns on a shower and starts cleaning himself, when Biz starts rubbing his body as well, he feels a little trumped on in his ability to shower himself.

“So you’re in control of my wood dealings and my cleaning duties?” He asks her jokingly.

“You’re mine, and I’m yours, who else cares what we do to each other? Besides, a couple can’t shower each other?” She says seductively as she moves to his testicle sack, squeezing them a little too hard for comfort.

“AH AH AH! Watch it! A few areas are more sensitive than others…” He snaps, she loosens on his sack but still fondles them while they clean him. She continues harassing him all day whenever she can, in attempts to make him sexually enthusiastic and last and/or want for a long, long time. She is successful. The time is 22:31, the moon is covered by stormy clouds, but the sea is calm and flat like glass, Rudolph’s body is ready, being tormented for hours, he’s finally going to do it. Loose that damn virginity of his. They do the same as last night, with the platform and the tingly kissing;  but undo his jacket and shirt, baring his bold chest and abs, only this time when he unlatches his belt Biz pushes him deeper into a kiss. He undoes his button and fly, opens his underwear fly, and releases his beading cock, ready and waiting for the opening. Then he panics as he looks down at his probe.

“Uhh, Biz, how am I going to fill you? First off, where am I going to fill you?” He asks panicked.

“Don’t worry, The one I knew I had is down below the waterline, in line with the keel about three-quarters down bow to stern and that one could eat two of you without me noticing you were in there.”

“That doesn’t help, Biz…”

“The one Prinz Eugen told me about is smaller, adjustable, for some reason at the base of my chin-and-neck, and best of all,” A long and thick tentacle-like shape approached Rudolph where he sat at the edge of the hanging platform, drawing closer it looked more like an elephant’s trunk with its flat end, but it had a long vertical slit instead of nose holes… “It’s retractable!”

Rudolph looked at it intrigued, it wasn’t too big, actually a decent size and a little smaller than he hoped it may be for his size, it was maybe 5 inches in diameter. He smiled as he grabbed it in his hands, brought it to his mid-chest, and rubbed his thumbs up and down the slit. Payback’s a bitch. Biz whimpered and groaned much the same as the previous penetration of the sorts she didn’t want, but these whimpers were loving and welcomed, Rudolph vigorously slid his thumbs all over the thickening lips, he began to feel a greatening wave of heat and warmth from her chin above him, she whined and stammered as he relentlessly pressed harder and harder, then a little bulb appeared at the top and silvery liquids spilled out of her vagina slowly. As they tricked onto his pecks and caused the pleasant tingly feeling like on his lips, he brought her pussy to his face, and out of nowhere he decides to rub it all over his face. Biz is confused but not questioning of his decision, instead takes in all the feelings of his smooth, soft face rolling over her clit and pussy lips, she groans and moans a little loud for complete comfort of stealth, but Rudolph and obviously she doesn’t care. He slathers his face with her silvery tingly juices before applying the clit to his nose and inserting his tongue inside her a massive wave of heat is sent out like the fire from her guns, steaming his face and warming his face from the cold airs, she yelps out and breathes heavily, then he randomly he twists her cable onto its side and begins to make out with her hot and soft lips… She completely lets go of attempting to control her appendages and lets her arms rubbing in her juices into his body and the thick trunk-vagina go limp and fall onto Rudolph, safely lying on the low-hanging platform under her bridge chin. She grows closer, and closer, and thinks to herself that’s not how she wants to cum on him for the first time, and asks him to stop.

“No, not yet.”

“Ru-dolph…pleeease stop!” She gasps out, also panicked.

“Beg me to, cry it out for me.” He seemed to love the control he had in the first time in his life, and it was over one of the most fearsome woman in the world…

“Rudolph please! Agh please Rudolph stahop! I beg you stop! Please not like this for the first time, please!” She pleads to him, he accepts, but first locks his lips over her pussy’s lips and drinks in as much of her liquids as he can. A long silver strand connects his lips to hers as they part. He asks her where she wants it now, she says it’s all up to him, he’s in control. He looks to his throbbing and standing dick; he knows where to put it. He moves it down to his member, and rubs the head on her lips slowly and dramatically, Biz’s hull and superstructure starts creaking and groaning, easily recognizable to anyone else as caused by the damages taken, not by the ship’s ‘loser’ fucking the ship. He has his fun and taunts her no more, he himself feeling a little bit ashamed causing her stress, when in all actuality she somewhat enjoyed not being the one in control for once, let someone else do everything for her, he grabs her with both hands tightly and thrusts his lower portion into her soaking wet cavity. The feeling they felt was unreal, Biz knew she would give them away, but knew Rudolph would want to hear her loving cries. She remembered a way, she closed her mouth panel and pressed it hard against her mouth to muffle her loving sounds, she switched to the radio to be sure she wouldn’t make a sound outside, and finally she put one of her speaker-hands near Rudolph’s right ear and let it all out.

Prinz Eugen was enjoying the peaceful night; it was a nice ride, good skies, and a perfect moon. She wondered how Biz was doing with Rudolph, if they were dating yet, she longed for her old love, she missed her sweet, sweet gunner so much. Out of the blue she gets a radio transmission from her new friend right then, she laughs at the irony of the situation. She lets the message go through…

OH FUCK YES! OH FUCK ME RUDOL- She switches it off, shocked at what she just heard, well that answers that question, she thinks about it, loving a human, she becomes a little… interested. She switches it back on and listens with jealousy; soon she starts to think of her old crush sexually… She rubs at her slit down under, then she stops and rubs her secondary vagina, same place as Bismarck’s to get as close as possible. She listens and turns her mic really low in case she too starts making noises, she thinks of his features, his bright hair, his high cheeks, his slim chiseled body, his chin and his size and how deep he’d go and his eyes, she’ll never forget his eyes, they were like a storm so beautiful… She inserted an arm inside herself and kept rubbing her clit intensely, the combination meant she wouldn’t last as long as the two on the other end but she didn’t care, she’d fuck herself again if she didn’t finish with them.

Rudolph was pounding Biz, she wasn’t prepared for his brutality or enthusiasm she built up in him, she did have help from years of pent-up aggression to help fuel him. He pushed rapidly, full-auto, nonstop, and Biz loved every moment of it. She was continuously yelling and shouting with pleasure and love, demanding Rudolph not to stop for anything. He started to grow weary from his onslaught and slowed down, Biz had none of that, she pinned him down and forced him to use his hands to continue. He didn’t last long there at all, and that’s when she took over. She slammed her pussy down on him hard and fast, Rudolph simply melted away enjoying the feeling of losing his virginity to this beautiful behemoth he loved dearly. The sex they had was beyond either of their wildest dreams combined, Rudolph felt his coming, he tensed up his dick, making it harder in the same process, in turn making Biz grow louder with stimulation in his ear praising him with I LOVE YOUs and FUCK ME HARDER RUDOLPHs and other things like that, he struggled but was able to emit something:

“Biz I’m close!” He thought to himself, So, these are my final moments of being a virgin, the last time I’ll feel before it ends, will I remember how it felt?… Nah! I won’t miss it!

“THE FUCK CARES?! KEEP IT GOING! CUM IN ME DON’T STOP!” She hollered through the radio and her hand, Rudolph pleased by her command, let it out.

He went limp by the power and force the orgasm hit him with, leaving him brain-dead like in the mornings and moaning like broken record, Bismarck was surprised she felt it, burying his cock deep inside her and letting her attuned sensors take up every bit of the feeling, she felt his hot molten cream shoot up her cavity and tingle and tickle a sweet-spot she knew wasn’t her G-spot but knew she’d cum very, very soon. Actually right now.

“GRRNERRK-AAAHHHHHH! She exploded onto Rudolph with quite a showing of power, the expulsion of her tingly silver cum completely drenched Rudolph; he was still engulfed in his long orgasm inside his love. Once he finishes, he’s greeted with the warm, tingly fluid he’s come to love all over his body and still being pumped out from her tender lips. She reached up with a hand and rubbed his forehead with her thumb, just the way he liked it. The two sat there, enjoying and savoring the pressure one another imposed on the other’s genitalia, they hear a third party’s innocent moaning and aspirations of breath.

Having a little fun over there Eugen? Biz asks her amused friend.

Yes, why do you ask? You’re obviously enjoying him, how is it? How is it to not be a virgin anymore?

The best feeling I could ever imagine… Then Rudolph grabs Biz’s hand and brings it close so he can talk, Because I want to know if we could go again, just to make sure we lose our virginity, of course.

I was just about to ask you the same, baby. She replies, Eugen laughs and ‘joins’ them with what she can do. The couple make love for a long, long time losing all sense of time, they fucked in more ways any cared to count; orally, vaginally, hand jobs, he thumbed her clit while he first orally fucked her then used his cock to sedate her, at one point he attempted to fist her, but was forced to reconsider due to the pain he felt fitting it in, she loved it. Eugen got off a good time before Biz and Rudolph ceased, exhausted to hell, for the first time Rudolph slept heavy and sound, while Biz finally slept that wasn’t because of boredom, they dreamed of one another, possibly even linked somehow… where they were with each other in dream, to fuck even more than before, to love even more… Bismarck forgot she was a warship, she forgot she was in a war; she forgot that she was damaged badly; she forgot that the officials prepared the crew to lose the upcoming battle, she forgot all… except Rudolph, her little reindeer.

Monday 26th May 1941, 17:00, the day has been dreary at best, the crew knew the British were on to them, and system failure after system failure destroyed morale. The two lovers awoke quite early for the past night’s fun, yet still considerably late in time, they had their morning kiss and a little morning run to deal with an erected extremity but that silvery, tingly fluid couldn’t escape his mind. He brought some into the light and it stopped tingling as it warmed. How strange, I guess it’s just temperature sensitive, which explains why I never felt it inside her. He wiped the fluid off and proceeded to another empty shower, something he and Biz liked, and showered the same as before. Only when around 14:45 did his joy and upbeat behavior be questioned, by the usual gang, he found out that they were posted on the 20mm Flak Verling a few decks above him and wondered if they heard anything last night, hoping to rub something in their faces. The typical shenanigans ensued followed by a remark at how Rudolph was smiling the whole time. He nodded and silently his affixed face said I beat you all last night.

“This blows worse than I did you.” Biz says, commenting on the fact everyone knew the entire British fleet was on her tail.

“No Biz, you were great, better than I think any human woman could do in her wildest dreams.” He says actually truthfully, without a hint of sarcasm or brown-nosing. And he meant it. Bismarck blushed and shushed him, he continues on until a desk officer interrupts his blabbing unaware of what Rudolph was talking about.

“Petty officer Jürgenstien, Luftwaffe Lieutenant Stone has requested to see you personally.” He turns around and mumbles: Enjoy the feeling while it lasts. Then a tall and thick man emerges from the wheelhouse and crosses onto the port wing platform to shake Rudolph’s hand.

“Well you know me and you’re the only one on this ship named Rudolph so we seem to be in the right place.” He starts, he sounds young and energetic yet still wise and veteran. Rudolph gestures him to continue, “And I have to make a special request of you and Bismarck.” This shocks Rudolph and Bismarck, how did he know? What gave it away? What the fuck could he be asking about? It’s blackmail!

“I… um… need to get a certain Arado off and it needs to be secret, that’s also how I know of you two, is a rumor about last night…” Biz asks how he knows anything what-so-ever about her and Rudolph; demanding to know why her scout plane needs to leave. He breaks under the pressure and onslaught of Biz.

“Because she’s pregnant!” The two interrogators are shocked. Biz asks how and Rudolph comments on how he didn’t know him as in a human could knock up a machine so she’s pregnant, and then realizes what he did all last night inside Biz.

“No, no, no, no! I didn’t knock her up! She says it was another plane that she fell in love with and doesn’t want the child to have a miscarriage or anything like that; she’s scared of the situation… She heard on the radio of you two, she’s both happy and distraught for you two, and she told me you would be able to help.” He ends his request there, Bismarck instantly allows it but decrees that it must happen at night, so nothing is found until they’re long gone, and Rudolph sees the situation he’s in, and requests one favor and one favor only. A delivery. The deal is agreed upon and the time is set. Not too long later, at 20:30, the aircraft alarm is sounded.

The men rush to the anti-air guns, the 15cm fire their anti-air shells and the 105mm shoot their guns while 2cm, 20mm, and 37mm pepper the skies desperately trying to repel the attacking biplanes, Rudolph noticed the shots were all going over the slower biplanes, the sights were for faster modern planes, not these slow shits. He holds his breath as two torpedoes look as if their hits, and curses in anguish as he hears the explosions and cries of his beloved Biz. He loses hope as she solemnly tells him that her rudder was hit… she can’t turn on her own will, doomed to forever go in circles. She starts to weep, Rudolph tries with all his ability to comfort her, but he too is distraught… he pulls out a piece of paper, and writes a letter for Stone to take with him to his only other friend. Bismarck fires at a destroyer, turning it away without dealing hits, and later is constantly repelling a flotilla of destroyers that are constantly harassing her, one of them alive and sexually harassing her. She doesn’t respond but with a hailstorm of steel rain, the whole time she embraces Rudolph openly without care if their caught or anything, she only wants to hold her little reindeer close and tight.

The time comes when they will launch the plane off the catapult to safety. The guns are constantly flashing and sounding, still repelling the destroyer flotilla, everyone is concentrated on the tasks at hand so they pay no mind to the hanger No. 2 door being opened, or the Arado being maneuvered onto the extended catapult. Rudolph greets Stone as the engine turns over, he wishes the two of them the best of luck, and hands a small envelope to Stone with an attached description note as to who it goes too. Stone and the Arado wish Biz and Rudolph all the luck they can get, and are about to launch when suddenly- nothing happens.

“It’s the pressure line! I knew it was cut!” Biz exclaims, the Arado weeps, Stone admires the port side crane.

“Hey Rudolph, if you could get that crane to put us into the drink I could take off like a seaplane.” Stone was previously a Trans-Atlantic seaplane pilot, and knew the complicated workings of taking off in stormy waters. Biz is happy to do whatever she can, and unlocks the crane to drop them into the raging swells of the battle-ravaged seas. Stone pilots the Arado out of the hailstorm just as the other Lt. for the Luftwaffe spots this, he runs over to Rudolph and bear hugs him.

“Yes! Yes! Thank you! There’s a way to touch home after all!” With that he departs and runs for the admiral, to tell that he can get off with mail home and the war diary. Rudolph sulks back to his post, and embraces Biz again.

“It’s out of our hands now.”

“The crew’ll be so demoralized when they find the catapult is broken.” Biz replies, tightening her embrace on Rudolph. They fall asleep together, waiting for the final moments upon the sea, before they sink beneath it.

Tuesday 27th May 1941, 07:45, Rudolph awakens to a distraught and demoralized setting; Biz is going in massive circles, the crew knows they won’t escape alive, they’re all alone with no chance at a friendly rescue, the ship is damaged badly and openly crying, and probably the worst is they can’t even touch home. Earlier that morning the pilot that witnessed the launching tried to launch another Arado off the catapult, but as the pressure cable was cut there was no propulsion, leaving the war diary, the crew’s letters home, and any hope left on board, to sink within the day. The stores are free to whatever the men wish to take, there is no dress code or work shifts, there is no tidiness policy, all abolished by the Admiral in view of the final hours of the men’s lives, they all turned to drinking, sleeping, or sulking about the ship. No one noticed the ship holding a man to its bridge face, and those who did cared little or were intoxicated and thought they were hallucinating, in all reality of things the ship was crying and holding her one love to her close pleading with God, Poseidon, Neptune, hell even British Prime Minister Winston Churchill to spare her and her Rudolph. To no avail.

“Biz, it’ll… it’ll be alright…” He says to her, trying to help her through it.

“NO! NO IT WON’T! YOU KNOW THIS!” She breaks down crying again, clutching him like her own offspring, her own little reindeer Rudolph. She goes on, bringing much pain to Rudolph, all my life I’ve felt so alone and hurt, now she feels the same, on the brink of the end with no one to help her through it… how did I get this far? How could I just SIT here and let HER, my only desire in this world, how could I let that SUFFER!?NO! She will not die like this!

“Baby, remember the time we had together…” He starts, drawing her everlasting attention to him to focus, “the talks we had, the battles we fought, the sex we had! Remember the best things about them, the best of the best memories, keep replaying that inside your head. That way, I don’t hurt when you cry; I don’t want you to cry because that was how I felt every day of my previous existence without you… and it hurts to go back.” She doesn’t cry anymore, instead they talk in silence, in that telepathic dream world they experienced after their night of sex. In that world, there was no pain or damage or enemy, only Bismarck, Rudolph, and the high seas…

At 08:00 the alarm sounded, four ships were encircling them, and drawing closer; it seemingly takes an hour to finally receive fire from the WWI era battleship off the port bow, then the same class battleship as the survivor with the Hood to fire. Rudolph spots the targets, conveying the numbers to Bismarck and the gunners to fire-and miss-the fast approaching enemy battleships. Shots ring out until the hour really does change, that’s when Biz is hit for the first time of the day, then suddenly, is bombarded on all sides from the British onslaught… Her foretop range finders are disables. Then the main gun turrets Anton and Bruno are knocked out. Rudolph is ripped out of his position and held to the bridge wall by a bawling Bismarck as shells converge onto the command posts, knocking them out before resorting back to the main armament, which is knocked out at ten minute intervals… All that’s left are the secondary 15cm and 105mm guns, firing sporadically at anything that isn’t German…

Bismarck is screaming in pain and all the while in shock. She looks around and sees nothing but dismantled corpses, disembodied limbs, puddles of glop where men once existed, there were men running, screaming, dying and holes in her hull blown out of proportions where portholes once stood was a ravaged hole big enough to drive motorcycles out of… She couldn’t take any thought of similar instances happening to the one man in her clutches, and when the guns ceased and the order to scuttle arose she panicked and contacted her only other friend she could.

EUGEN PLEASE HELP ME! I’M LOSING! I’M SINKING! I’M DYING! This last part was sent with greater emphasis to Prinz Eugen, although the whole message sounded like that wasn’t the problem, she and Bismarck both knew that when a ship sinks it doesn’t die, not until it is completely rotted away will it die. It’s the beauty in being a machine.

Yes… I’m sorry old friend-but-what is the ACTUAL problem Biz?

I DON’T WANT TO LOSE HIM! I WANT TO STAY WITH HIM! MY REINDEER! Eugen did know of one way to preserve him, more like a transformation however, she only knows about it by playing with herself and some meat from a pet seagull turned dead seagull.

Biz, I haven’t told you everything. There is one way, a transformation really, where he becomes a sort of metal-morph being that has to do with your silver essence. That fluid is really an extension of your life ability, and if it engulfs a being from the insides it creates an inner shell and repurposes the internal organs for a new life as pretty-much a machine, only he’ll still be himself with a same outward look with artificial skin. It’s somewhat like-


Those arms you have, without the hands, those are concealed injection needles. The way I found to open them is first press their ends into his body at various points EVERYWHERE, then think of needles stabbing into the flesh, and then think of cumming, actually, a lot like you’re the guy and Rudolph is the girl.

THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! I LOVE YOU EUGEN! I’LL TRY TO TALK TO YOU AS LONG AS WE CAN! With that she turned off the radio, swarmed a confused Rudolph, and executed the steps.

Rudolph screamed in pain, the worst pain in his entire existence. She opened the rounded ends and stabbed into him with thick long needles, that was bad enough then his body felt like fire, like dead weight, like pure unadulterated HELL. He couldn’t hear Bismarck’s soothing voice trying to dull his pains. He screamed, hollered, and cursed anything he could in the eight minutes of hell he was in. Once it finally ended, the scuttling charges were in place and two torpedoes struck the starboard side, men are running, jumping overboard and panicking while Rudolph is quietly led to the bridge shelter, and patiently sits down waiting the sinking.

“Hey Rudolph!” A familiar voice chimes from the stairwell behind him, he turns and is met by the desperate gaze of one of his bullies, bleeding and beckoning him to join him. “The ship’s kaput, we got to go! Come on, I know I’ve been a real dick but you’re still important, man! Let’s go!” Rudolph stood up, walked to him and held him like a father giving his son a wise talk.

“Rupert, I forgive you for all you did to me, and I also thank you. Sadly I must turn down your offer, I’m staying with her.”

“I know you love her-I love her too-she has been our home but she’s just a ship! We need to go!” He pulled at his comrade, who seemed a lot colder and heavier.

“The things you did to me set me up for this, I love her more deeply than you think. She’s more than a ship, she’s alive and…” He loved saying this to him, “we’re lovers,” Rupert looked at the mechanical tendril come around Rudolph’s chest in a bear hug. He looked first confused, and then nodded in acceptance. He came close and hugged Rudolph like a brother.

“Good luck reindeer. Shit sorry, bad habits, Rudolph.” He says, then Rudolph comments; “Actually, I think I’ll keep it Rudolph the reindeer. Biz seems to like it.” He smirked and looked toward the ceiling. Then the two once enemies locked eyes until Rupert left the two for safety. “Good luck to you too, Rupert.”

Then it was the two, Rudolph laid on a metal table as per instruction while another tendril without a hand came to the back of his neck, only when it opened it was a series of smaller needles, and inserted them into his new nervous system. As the two slipped beneath the waves, dumping anything lose out into the sea, Biz took his conciseness into hers, apparently, and entered that dream world again. The only difference is Biz knew more about it.

“We are in my alternate world, so to speak, my sweet. Where we can do anything we wish we can so in the physical world here.” She announced as he walked the bridge, admiring an open ocean with calm waves.

“So… it’s like a simulation place?”

“Yes, a place where we can do everything, except die. You won’t escape me that easily.” She jests at him. He chuckles and trembles as her expression twist into pain.

“Wha-what’s going on!?” He cries out.

“GRAHGNUG! AH-AH-AH! I’m tearing apart!” Rudolph panics, but is reassured by Biz that nothing will happen to them.

“We’ll be fine, babe, we’ll be fine. I still have control over my entire hull and structure however, and for the most part I’m still in well-built chunks. So… what shall we do first…?” She says, the latter portion stated as she pulls off his shirt seductively.

“Oh, about a couple years’ worth of sex to start…” The two embark on their voyage through time; awaiting the above world to visit them, all the while loving, talking, dreaming, and still communicating to Prinz Eugen throughout her service; even after she’s scuttled at Bikini Atoll after the nuclear bomb testing. They did see real light on the 8th of June, 1989…

I hope yall enjoyed that. Right here it says Page 15 in Word. Shit. Well I hope yall feel it’s worth the immense wait I caused. If you have any questions feel free to ask, I want to do a FAQ sometime but I really get no FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions). See yall real soon.