The Mentality of this

Disclaimer: The following is just my opinion on certain parts of adult art. I get that “Not all men, Not all women” ect ect.  I know that other folks don’t think or even approach kink like I do, but maybe this will give you guys an idea of where I am coming from. Why I draw porn the way I do.

Been thinking a lot about the conclusion that I am on the Ace (Aesexual) spectrum.  A stranger said somewhere that Ace folks make the kinkiest art because they don’t wanna be involved with the deed in real life. The art is then a means to let them explore sexuality in the complete safety of the fantasy world. I would say that this has been 100% the case with me my whole life. I don’t really wanna fuck anyone, but im still horny inside my brain. You can be not mentally attracted to any particular sex, but your physical body just chugs along hoping you will breed anyway.  I prefer heterosexual sex, but Het porn at large is pretty awful. Made for an audience of men concerned with taking everything they can from a willing set of holes. Seldom if ever, is a woman’s orgasm even considered. 

“The McDonald’s hamburger of human intimacy” (fills you up in the short term, but is devoid of vitamins, and minerals you actually need) 

The other day a quick google search led me to R/Teratophilia, a sub reddit about monsters that I lasted about 20 minutes on. Initially I was hopeful I might find tender nonhuman kissey art, maybe some truly weird eldritch beings with non standard anatomy. There might have actually been some tender kissey half buried in that mountain, but this was a public forum. The hardcore kink stuff far far outweighed the sort of tender erotic subject matter I was looking for. (I want some eye contact, some hand-holding, cuddles to go with my dickings fgs!) The way people treated terato in that place, was just as interchangeable to any other hentai group I’ve glanced upon. A skin for the same types of humiliation/noncon/dominance/kink that you can get virtually anywhere. I stay away from Robot kink places for a similar reason.  A ton of folks who say they love machines, then depict them getting their internals ripped out, the limbs partially dismembered, or machines treated as a lesser being in the exchange. (Yeah nothing says “I love you” like barely contained Guro ).
Makes me wonder why outsiders say that I’m this brutal hard core artist simply for choosing a war machine, or a dragon. The only hard core thing about me is that I like big fantasy monster dicks, but most importantly, big fantasy dicks that don’t hurt anyone. I do not like depictions of suffering for someone else’s pleasure. I do not like pictures of disrespect on a sex partner, I do not like art that shows lack of consent, fantasy or not. (Even the Wyverns communicate with their Riders Via the kinship stone! Some MH lore for you. ) 

how did I get here? 

Gentle giants (mostly machines) that had all the capacity in the world to destroy, yet stay their hand for tenderness is the ultimate flavor. If you have never felt comfortable around others, if you are analogous to the monster for your “otherness”, then the small somewhat perfectly acceptable human laying with you in total sincerity is hot as fuck. Its like you forgiving yourself for your imperfections. I’m over 6 feet tall, I wear a mans 13 shoe, pcos issues have made me into a less than ideal monster myself. So this is what it means to me: I am both. I am the monster who forgives the human, and the weak tiny human who forgives the monster for being misunderstood.  In this small sacred space there is no room for “McDonalds porn bullshit”.

When one side is a death dealing machine entity covered in armor and warheads, it becomes a protective incredibly masculine force in the relationship. A powerful figurehead without all the exploitation that comes with regular porn. This is where I am most comfortable. In the case where the human is a man, I introduce a super strong motherly non human monster woman that cannot be taken advantage of in the same way. 

Some people think I don’t like Gay people because I don’t draw gay porn. On the contrary, Gay has nothing to do with anything. Its just coincidentally the fact gay men 100% engage in anal sex. I vehemently dislike anal because of the way it’s been portrayed in het porn on women in straight relationships. Turns out that up to 72% of women (and 15% of men) experience moderate to severe pain during anal and don’t say anything to their partners because its expected of them.  “sex is just something you endure for a man’s pleasure” :

(granted, gay men have a prostate that can be stimulated. Their is a use case for the act in gay porn) 

But why the fuck would you ever sign up for something that causes moderate to severe pain in the name of intimacy? (Im looking at the remaining 28% of you kinky women)  combine this with the sentiment that a small % of people hold that “Anal is what you do to punish women” (read this on a forum 15 years back) and now I can only view certain sex acts as something you do when you don’t really care about the other person. (Like depictions of men making women choke or vomit on huge dicks, are a form of sexual violence)

My monsters don’t hurt the men, or women. They don’t ask for acts of sex that cause discomfort (and are totally anthropocentric let’s be honest). 

Those huge robot dongs you see on this webpage? They are adjustable for maximum pleasure. I fucking thought of everything, yet I am the hardcore freak? I disagree. 

To the truly weird kinksters out there, the women shoving french fries, and chicken bones up their cunt? The young men attracted to the varicose vens on the legs of 90 year olds? Their colorful existence proves that there is a kind of porn for everyone who dares to dream, Even the folks out there who like shitty painful brutal porn acts. I’m just not one of them. 
(Artist for this meme is unknown. I will try to find their name)



“Permission to suck”

Why has doing art gotten soo much harder? The tools have not changed. The process hasn’t changed. Back pain that I’m used to? Still there. 

I talked with a Friend last night about how angry I was that despite having a whole-ass Sunday to myself, that I was only 2% closer to getting my allotted artwork for the week completed. 
meanwhile for hours every week I trawl the social media circles of top artist professionals, and insanely gifted asian fanartists dropping Banger idea after idea 7 days a week. Just a ton of rapid fire work coming in an out of there. It hurts that im not even a tenth of their speed. 
I used to make a comic page a night back in the 00’s. As a young security guard at the time, I had free reign in between patrols to chill out in quiet with pen and paper, and turn out a fresh page through an 8 hour shift. I would take that paper home, scan it in, and fix it up nice in photoshop. That comic was known as Edenworldsaga (a bigger and more complicated fantasy robot story then the one im doing now.) Old pages are still looking great, but thinking back on the 6-700 pages I made, I wonder why it was Soo much easier to do then, as a pose to the comics I do now. 

Now Is a constant fight to focus, and deal with adult responsibilities. With just 2-3 hours each day left for myself, I can barely start anything before its bed time again. 
Fucking everything I wanna do advances the clock back to bed time and I hate it. 

I told my art Friend that “People can tell when the artist enjoyed themselves” that the love of art has to start intrinsically from within, and not to try and impress others. But Lately I haven’t felt this personal enjoyment of doing the thing. It’s just gotten so much harder, more depressing, more expensive. And If I may be honest? I don’t think about Robots or Airplanes much anymore. I don’t really think about much of anything now.  (My mood seems to fluctuate on this rather wildly, and who knows how I will feel next week ofc.) But people are going to eventually see something is wrong.

I got extremely upset at MHW last week because the boss I was prepping hours to face, kept kicking my ass, “wasting my fucking time”, and I just wanted to be done with the process. Faster, faster, onto the next thing, tic that box. My lack of time is just ruining experiences which are supposed to be enjoyable. 

You follow this up with the fact that your audience is almost non existent, and the links to the pages where your art gets posted are full of people making jokes about you needing to be killed for putting in the effort drawing the things you enjoy. It’s been a recipe for regret over the 25 year body of work I committed to.  Putting in “effort” has really started to feel meaningless. (This is without getting into the whole midjourney shit.)

So my Freind has to re-re remind me that “shitty one-off sketches are fine”, and that “YOU HAVE MY PERMISSION TO SUCK.. TO MAKE TRASH ART”.  Its important that artists like me get told this. That every picture doesnt have to be a huge 100 hour full post-production affair. I’m not competing with anyone. The stakes are already soo low. I need to keep from quitting altogether. I need to become like Dr. DJ from FA. and just make images for quick communication of ideas. Stuff commensurate to the amount of attention it actually receives as a whole. And If I decide to take it to full “regular polish” then that is my choice.

Hypocritical kink stacker

I can’t really talk about this stuff on bluskeii but I’ll just ramble here. I had a conversation a long time ago about why I started to dislike the porn art coming out of the previous fandoms for which I have been a member. (furry, Anime)
“fetish stacking” as I had discussed with others, became officially known as “co-morbidities”. These Co-Morbidities are what ruined my desire as a porn artist to be associated with other porn artists. 
Now, what do you do when porn is your drug, your dopamine hit? Where you’re in this place after many years, and you need stronger and stronger hits, weirder, more novel stuff to get the same neurological responses?
 I think that is what happened to a lot of people. Regular porn stopped being nearly as interesting, and the primary fetish also stoped being as interesting. Folks start stacking 2,3,4,5 sub fetishes on top of their primary ones, till the art looked bat shit insane. That art then, no matter how good it is, cant be used as regular porn for anyone other than the folks who also have these exact checkmarks. 
I understand that, considering how long it takes to do any kind of art well enough, that these people have earned the right to their interpretations. If I bitched directly to them asking to change things, id look like a greedy asshole with 700 pizzas, pissed that I cant have this other guy’s pizza. 
A lot of art just isn’t for us. Its for the artist. Just like my own machine porn was never meant to be porn for anyone other than myself and very rare specific people. The mechaphillia thing also runs on a spectrum:

(Anything less then a 3 or a 4 is non committal)

Im also a filthy fetish stacker though, I am not immune to the same criticisms I gave others. I do deal with a boat load of crazy DM’s tho. Folks trying to connect with me based on perceived like-minded attraction. I tore my hair out trying to figure out why I was attracting certain people to my DMs when the art they consumed had no real sexual similarities to what I was trying to communicate. I actually wish people wouldn’t use “Dire_Machine” as an e621 tag when they have no idea what Dires are. 

why was Hyper Obesity, showing up in my timeline? “Oh shit, is this because one party usually outweighs the other tenfold?” (Right but thats because they are tanks and airplanes. This doesn’t have anything to do with fat people.) 

It hit me to identify all of my sub-kinks that erroneously attract the wrong people, and maybe that would explain the mismatch. 

Mechaphillia/Teratophillia are my Primary. Some 50/5o triple-washed salad mix of monster machines. And this goes back to that chart above about the many shades of machine attraction and their different focuses. “Focus and subtext are king” here. Some folks said it was “scary” just how detailed the machine pictures were. That it was at the very least, a High-effort troll job. I only give these machines the exact same effort the common man gives when rendering a pair of tits. It’s detailed as fuck- because we love everything about them. The art celebrates them, and you can see this emphasis based on the amount of time spent in certain places (or lack of time spent). 

Sub-kink: Hurt/Comfort. This is a kink you mostly only find in fan fiction, and that’s because its harder to depict without huge context. Its the idea you can use sex to heal physical or mental wounds. Some will argue that its not about the sex at all, but in the context of corrupting alien machines, its literally about healing gun shot wounds with nookie. The healing comes from nanomachines. One of the perks of banging a fighter jet that talks. 

Sub-kink: Size difference. Not to be confused with macro fetishization, It tickles me when one party member is much bigger than the other. A “Gentle-giant” be it boy or girl, is much appreciated. I wanna be bear hugged. I wanna be overtaken like a fat mother hen engulfing her chicks to keep them warm.  

Sub-kink: Interspecies. This one is a must. One party needs to be a human. The other party needs to be not human. Alien x man, Dragon x woman, Greater eldritch monster x human, is infinitely better then two people banging. Or two machines banging. All I gotta do is check the Harkness test for legal combos. 

Sub-Kink: Physical/Neurological Corruption. This one is a story only kinda kink. Because physical corruption is pretty serious, and for some people it’s actually terrifying. There probably is some kind of conceptual body horror focus behind this, because it existed in my Edenworld comic too. At least my reasoning for the Grey limbs, the G. Neuron stuff is that, if you are willing to let this happen to you, it’s a kind of serious dedication to the monster. It’s allowing the vampire to bite you, the Lycanthropy to take hold of you.

This is a much lighter version of TF (transformation) kink where people completely transform into other things. I don’t want people transforming completely into other things, because it’s important that one person stays human no matter what to stay grounded in reality. 

all this bullshit Aside, id be a hypocrite for ripping on people’s kinks when mine are just as weird. I just don’t wanna see other peoples kinks on my SFW blog. 

What strange nasty kinks do you guys have if you found this art? Let me know in comments if you have thoughts adjacent, or if you just like the emotional aspect of it. 

PS. RIP Akira Toriyama, DBZ and Chrono Trigger were big parts of my childhood and you will be missed. 



To the r/NCD folks:

Their are currently two people, one named Cathode, and one named Gadenkarensky, they spam your military reddit weekly with my porn. I think they do this in part because I never advertise, or show this stuff outside of small circles. It’s understandable that you probably just want to have a choice in whether or not your feed has disturbing shit in it or not. For that, I am sorry. I didn’t know that this had been going on for as long as it did. These guys really like my work and the shock value does bring people to my doors. 

If you are indeed shocked, and are wondering what’s up, consider the plane sex to be a form of robot porn like Transformers ect, (it’s basically porn for Aesexuals with a mostly SFW comic to explain part of the Lore that goes with.) Know that I do not advocate for anyone actually going out and having sex with their cars, or anything along the same lines. 

I made this stuff because I’m crazy. I have a specific mix of monster, and mechaphillia fetish. I enjoy the aesthetic of military war machines. The kind of powerful, Dangerous equipment that evokes that same feeling of “Mecha” you get from an Armored Core game. 

Why do the machines have anime eyes? Probably the same reason why you folks might call a generic anime girl wearing a Pakfa backpack an “Airplane”.. Aesthetics maybe. But In the end all of this stuff is kinda stupid. 

Anyway If you are here, welcome. Tell a friend.



Commission slots are now open for a limited time.

If you folks would like a rare Digital piece of art from ratbat herself, then that time is here. Prices are 250$ for black n white sketches, and 500-600$ for color. No troll requests. no vehicles with furry ears, and tails, No aeromorphs, no “Jesus’s last supper” scale 12 oc’s on one page. No transformation, no vore, no Hyper, Obesity, Pregnancy, Anal sex, High risk of death imagery  (Porn can be negotiated, but will likely be declined if it is not at least similar to the stuff I have already made.) Furries: Im available for simple SFW expression or character sheets of your Oc only. no porn. I accept paypal, but can be persuaded to try a different service if it is simple and safe.

your turn around time is usually about 3 days to a week upon receipt of payment. I generally accept payment in full up front, if that feels uncomfortable to you, you can use the invoice feature on paypal to make sure their is a refundable paper trail for the transaction.

The net’s now full of scammers who use AI to scrape sketches, and not pay. So foreal, Serious buyers only, If your the type of person who needs 40 sketch revisions, don’t bother.

I’ve got room for maybe 3 people atm. If your interested, give me an E-mail R a t b a t 0 0 1 [AT] y a h o o . c o m

Before I take your comm, Im going to ask a round of questions in order to determine the overall theme/feel/Goal of the commission. this is very important, as you may be better served by a completely different artist depending on your needs. Also, Art isn’t my day job. Be patient, I am normally extremely busy with commute, weekend obligations.

Lastly, I care a whole lot about this art I do. If you are looking for generic (non romantic) porn of your oc, I am not a good choice for this. Please know that your project is in good hands by someone who cares a whole heck of a lot about what leaves her hands.

I can also draw: Dragons, Demons, Cryptids, Angels, knights, power armor, Mecha, TF robots, Real animals, 16th century weaponry, plant studies, rough portraiture.


Commissions are now closed.

2. Thorphax (Planesona Shinden II)

3. Sora (GlobalHawk nsfw)

4. Trainmaster (Planesona)

5.  Trusty The cat

Thank you guys for your patience through the computer issues.

The message has been unclear.

Been a while since my last journal post here. Its unacceptable how bad twitter has become under musk, You cant even read or post anymore without a mountain of AI adds, cheap plastic garbage, and regressive politics in your face. I hopped on over to bluesky, But ill be pulling 2001 Livejournal numbers over there for the time being. Perhaps its here where I was always supposed to be posting. (no more 120 characters max bullshit)

I’ve been absorbed with Baldur’s gate 3 since the 3rd of this month, and The break has been really good for regenerating will to get back into art.

What kind of art? Probably the comic still. It’s the only method I have of really conveying my intent at this point. And with the exception of one artist (Nissdixon), and a tiny handful of Terrato folks I have in my chat, I never quite found the audience I was hoping to get.  My Friends trawl the internet in search of like-minded folks, but then they spot someone who made a plane with eyes in the style of Dire machines, and they show it to me.  What I see almost without fail, is my concepts put to the sword for someone else’s barely hidden Vore(erotic cannibalism), Whale/Dolphin Bestiality, or Obesity fetish. The most highly offensive shit.. is my legacy to others currently, And this feeling I get is called “The death of the author”.

I don’t see a fix for this issue other then to quit drawing porn completely as it has been monkey brain neuron activation for some of the most socially fucked up people I have ever consistently met. All I wanna do is make myself less interesting to autistic porn addicts, and AI scrappers.  That Maybe if I just don’t show anyone the porn anymore, but quietly hide it here on this site, then more of the kinds of people im looking for would care about the trans humanistic stories I’m writing (wishful thinking?). Perhapse if people just don’t even see porn at all, they wont be inspired to fuck around and be gross. If they don’t see the porn, the message will finally be clear.

To my discord associates: Obese cartoon women with strange heads, and big fat titties IS NOT AIRCRAFT OR TANK. Not even close. Most of you treat “robot” as a minor texture anyway. Bitches who take a black marker, and draw seems on their knees, and elbows phoning it in -I don’t accept your premise. Go somewhere else.

9/1 we return to the Atoll lab comic post haste. I look forward to it.



Regarding these feels…

To thoughs of you on the discord who are worried about me, the people who care, I’m going through some stuff right now. Generally their has been a big age gap between my fans and I, and this makes it difficult for me to talk to some of you guys. Moreover, things have been so fucking bad in the news that I don’t wanna bring a huge flaming pile of shit to your door and ruin your mood either. This whole 20/21 thing has shaken me to my core.  Most days I just want to be dead. truly, finally dead.


i just feel “rented.”

I’m just someone’s “shareholder value.”


Im tired.

To a small few of you:

Please. Enough with the Vore shit.

You guys ask me for art advice like you actually care about me or the stuff I draw. You dont. You care about vore. You care about masturbating to erotic cannibalism. About dinosaur mouths on the front of tanks. (that’s fucking fine! just leave me out of it pfft)

I will save you the time you would waste messaging me and just tell you, the only way to get good at drawing vehicles- is to just draw them. If you care about practicing vehicles more then you guys do about drawing fully detailed mouth porn then you would actually reach your goals sooner.


“Mileage” makes you good at art. Go get some.

That’s all I have to say. Have a great day.